- u - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygon.Vertex
- uiAnimControl - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.orbit.OrbitViewInputHandler
- unApplyTextureState(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.ElevationPlane
- uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.BasicRetrievalService
- uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.BasicScheduledTaskService
- uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ThreadedTaskService
- unfilledIconMap - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525IconRetriever
- unframedIconMap - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525IconRetriever
- unHighlightSelectedSets() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileSetHighlighter
- unHighlightSelectedSets() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileStoreSectorHighlighter
- union(Iterable<? extends Box>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Box
Computes a Box
that represents the union of one or more Boxes
- union(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
Returns a new sector whose angles are the extremes of the this sector and another.
- union(Angle, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
- union(Sector, Sector) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
- union(Iterable<? extends Sector>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sector
- union(Combinable...) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine.ShapeCombiner
- union(CombineContext, Combinable...) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.combine.ShapeCombiner
- UNIQUE_DESIGNATION - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.SymbologyConstants
The MIL-STD-2525 Unique Designation modifier field ID.
- uniqueCacheName() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Returns a unique name appropriate for use as part of a cache name.
- uniqueId - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceObject.SurfaceObjectStateKey
The SurfaceObject's unique ID.
- uniqueId - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceObject
- uniquePickNumber - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContextImpl
- uniquePixelColors - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContextImpl
- unit - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ScalebarLayer
- unit - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
- UNIT_DOWN - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollBar
Scroll increment for one unit down.
- UNIT_FOOT - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- UNIT_IMPERIAL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ScalebarLayer
- UNIT_IMPERIAL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
- UNIT_IMPERIAL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.StatusBar
- UNIT_IMPERIAL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SAR2
- UNIT_IMPERIAL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.StatusLayer
- UNIT_IMPERIAL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.view.ViewSwitch.AppFrame.ViewDisplay
- UNIT_METER - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- UNIT_METRIC - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ScalebarLayer
- UNIT_METRIC - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TerrainProfileLayer
- UNIT_METRIC - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.StatusBar
- UNIT_METRIC - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SAR2
- UNIT_METRIC - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.StatusLayer
- UNIT_METRIC - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.view.ViewSwitch.AppFrame.ViewDisplay
- UNIT_NAUTICAL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ScalebarLayer
- UNIT_NEGATIVE_W - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
- UNIT_NEGATIVE_X - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
- UNIT_NEGATIVE_Y - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
- UNIT_NEGATIVE_Z - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
- UNIT_SPHERE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Sphere
- UNIT_UP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollBar
Scroll increment for one unit up.
- UNIT_W - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
- UNIT_X - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
- UNIT_Y - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
- UNIT_Z - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Vec4
- unitIncrement - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollBar
Amount that the scroll bar scrolls when the up or down arrow is clicked.
- units - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wms.WMSLayerDimension
- unitsFormat - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalGraphic
Unit format used to format location and altitude for text modifiers.
- unitsFormat - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
Unit format used to format location and altitude for text modifiers.
- unitsFormat - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- unitsFormat - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
The units formatter to use when creating control point annotations.
- UnitsFormat - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util
Consolidates the conversion, display and formatting of geographic units such as lengths in miles and areas in
- UnitsFormat() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat
Construct an instance that displays length in kilometers, area in square kilometers and angles in decimal
- UnitsFormat(String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat
Constructs an instance that display length and area in specified units, and angles in decimal degrees.
- UnitsFormat(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat
Constructs an instance that display length and area in specified units, and angles in a specified format.
- unitsFormat - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureDisplay
- unitsFormat - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
- unitsFormat - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.AbstractShapeEditor
- unitSymbol - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.wms.WMSLayerDimension
- UNKNOWN_PATH - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525IconRetriever
- unmarkResourceAbsent(long) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameService
- unmarkResourceAbsent(long) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.AbsentResourceList
Mark the resource as not-absent, effectively removing it from this absent-resource list.
- unmarkResourceAbsent(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.AbsentResourceList
Remove a resource from this absent-resource list if the resource is contained in the list.
- unmarkResourceAbsent(long) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Level
- unmarkResourceAbsent(Tile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.LevelSet
Removes the absent-tile mark associated with a tile, if one is associatied.
- unProject(Vec4) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
- unProject(Vec4, Matrix, Matrix, Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
Maps the given window coordinates into model coordinates using the given matrices and viewport.
- unProject(Vec4) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.View
Maps a Point
in screen coordinates to a Point
in model coordinates.
- unProject(Vec4, Matrix, Matrix, Rectangle) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewUtil
Transforms a point in screen coordinates to a point in model coordinates.
- UNRECOGNIZED - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.BasicXMLEventParserContext
The parser name of the unrecognized-element parser.
- UNRECOGNIZED - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.XMLParserNotification
A notification type indicating that a parser encounter an element it did not recognize.
- UNRECOGNIZED_ELEMENT_PARSER - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.XMLEventParserContext
Identifies the name of the parser handling unrecognized elements.
- UnrecognizedXMLEventParser - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml
Holds the content of unrecognized elements.
- UnrecognizedXMLEventParser() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.UnrecognizedXMLEventParser
- UnrecognizedXMLEventParser(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.xml.UnrecognizedXMLEventParser
- UNRESOLVED - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- unresolved - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AnnotationAttributes
- unresolved - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BasicShapeAttributes
Indicates whether or not some of the shape's attributes are unresolved.
- unresolved - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemarkAttributes
- unresolvedGlyph - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.AbstractTacticalSymbol
Indicates that one or more glyphs have not been resolved.
- unselectedBorder - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.TableCellColorRenderer
- UNUSED_POSITION_CODE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.SymbolCode
Indicates the character for an unused position in a MIL-STD-2525 symbol identification code
- unzipAndSaveToTempFile(String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ExampleUtil
Unzips the sole entry in the specified zip file, and saves it in a temporary directory, and returns a File to the
temporary location.
- UP_ARROW - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.LayerPanel
- upButton - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.ElevationModelPanel
- upButton - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.LayerPanel
- update() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.ContourLine
Update the contour line according to the current terrain geometry.
- update(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator.RenderInfo
Resets this instance's update time to now and refills its VBO if VBOs should be used.
- update(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.StatisticsPanel
- update() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.StatisticsPanel
- update(FileStore) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.FileStorePanel
Finds and displays all data sets within a specified filestore.
- update(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.dataimporter.LayersMenu
- update(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.analytics.AnalyticSurface
- update(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.ElevationModelManagerPanel
- update(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.LayerAndElevationManagerPanel
- update(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.LayerManagerPanel
- update(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.LayerPanel
- update(Iterable<? extends Layer>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.multiwindow.SharedShapes.SharedLayerPanel
- update(LineEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.AudioPlayerAnnotationController
- update() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.cachecleaner.DataCacheViewer
- update() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.FileStoreDataSet
- update - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.LayerManagerLayer
- update() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.LayerManagerLayer
Schedule the layer list for redrawing before the next render pass.
- UPDATE_INTERVAL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.FlatWorldEarthquakes
- UPDATE_SEQUENCE - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCCapabilities
- updateActiveHotSpot(PickedObject) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.HotSpotController
Updates the active
and the currently displayed cursor according to the
picked objects in the specified event.
- updateAffordances() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SurfaceImageEditor
- updateAnnotation(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- updateAnnotation(ShapeEditor.ControlPointMarker) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Updates the annotation associated with a specified control point.
- updateAnnotation(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.AbstractShapeEditor
- updateAnnotation(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonEditor
- updateAnnotation(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
- updateAnnotation(ShapeEditor.ControlPointMarker) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapeEditingExtension.ShapeEditorExtension
- updateArrowControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapeEditingExtension.ShapeEditorExtension
Modify the control points to conform to the current state of the shape being edited.
- updateAttributes(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Update the active attributes for the current frame, and compute other properties that are based on the active
- updateAttributes() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneController
- updateAttributes() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceEntry
- updateAttributes() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.ExtrudedPolygonBuilder.PolygonEntry
- updateAttributes() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeBuilder.AbstractShapeEntry
- updateAttributes() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapefileAttributeGroups.AttributeGroup
- updateAudioAnnotation() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.AudioPlayerAnnotationController
- updateBoundingSector() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.rpf.RPFFileIndex
- updateBounds(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Compute the bounds of the content frame, and the extents of the scroll range.
- updateCappedCylinderControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
- updateCappedEllipticalCylinderControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
- updateComponent(Object, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.WCSCoveragePanel
- updateComponent(Object, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.WMSLayersPanel
- updateComponents() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ViewLimits.AppFrame
- updateControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Updates the control points to the locations of the currently edited shape.
- updateControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapeEditingExtension.ShapeEditorExtension
Called during editing and moving to reposition the control points.
- updateControlPointWithLeader(MeasureTool.ControlPointWithLeader, LatLon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- updateCursor(InputEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditorController
- updateCursor() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.segmentplane.SegmentPlaneController
- updateCursor() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.BalloonResizeController
Update the World Window's cursor to the current resize cursor.
- updateCursor(SelectEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DialogAnnotationController
- UPDATED - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- updateDescription(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel.BulkRetrievablePanel
- updateEffectiveArea(PolylineGeneralizer.Element) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.PolylineGeneralizer
- updateElevations(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.LayerAndElevationManagerPanel
- updateElevations(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.LayerPanel
- updateEntry(String, URL, long) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicDataFileStore
Updates a cache entry with information available once the file is retrieved.
- updateExpiryCriteria(DrawContext, Geometry) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
- updateExtremeElevations(DataRaster) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.data.TiledElevationProducer
- updateFailed - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.analytics.AnalyticSurface
- updateFrequency - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.RectangularTessellator
- updateFromHTMLTag(String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.MultiLineTextRenderer.DrawState
- updateFromHTMLText(String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.MultiLineTextRenderer.DrawState
- updateGroupSelection(LayerTreeNode) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.LayerManagerPanel
- updateGroupSelections() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.LayerManagerPanel
- updateIfNeeded(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.MacWebView.MacWebViewTexture
- updateIfNeeded(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.WebViewTexture
- updateIfNeeded(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.WindowsWebView.WindowsWebViewTexture
Update the texture if the native WebView window has changed.
- updateLayerActivity(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.LayerManagerPanel
Loops through this layer panel's layer/checkbox list and updates the checkbox font to indicate whether the
corresponding layer was just rendered.
- updateLayerList(LayerList) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.layermanager.ActiveLayersManager
Replace the contents of the model with the contents of a specified [@link LayerList}.
- updateLayerList(LayerList) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.swinglayermanager.ActiveLayersPanel
- updateLayers(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.layermanager.LayerAndElevationManagerPanel
- updateLayers(WorldWindow) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.LayerPanel
- updateMeasureDisplay(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureDisplay
- updateMeasureDisplay(Position) - Method in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool.MeasureDisplay
- updateMeasureShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- updateMeasureShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
- updateMemoryCache() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TextureTile
- updateMemorySemaphore() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.cache.BasicRasterServerCache
- updateMipmaps(DrawContext, Texture) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.OGLRenderToTextureSupport
- updateModelViewStateID() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.BasicView
Update the modelview state identifier.
- updateModifiedTime() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractSurfaceObject
Sets the SurfaceObject's modified time to the current system time.
- updateMousePoint(MouseEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.awt.AbstractViewInputHandler
- updateNextSurfacePoint(DrawContext, Angle, Angle, AnalyticSurface.GridPointAttributes, AnalyticSurface.RenderInfo) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.analytics.AnalyticSurface
- updateNow(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.LayerManagerLayer
Force the layer list to redraw itself from the current Model
with the current highlighted state and
selected layer colors and opacity.
- updateOrbitControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Updates the control points and affordances for
- updateOrientationLine(Position, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Updates the line designating the shape's central axis.
- updatePanelValues() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.MeasurementPanel
- updatePartialCappedCylinderControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
- updatePath(ArrayList<? extends LatLon>) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.TerrainProfilePanel
- updatePolygonAirspaceControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Updates the control points and affordances for
- updatePosition(Position, Angle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.TerrainProfilePanel
- updatePositions(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsLayer
- updatePositionsFromShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- updatePositionsFromShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
- updateProgress() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.data.TiledRasterProducer
- updateProgress() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.LinesOfSight.AppFrame
Keeps the progress meter current.
- updateProgress() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.TerrainIntersections.AppFrame
Keeps the progress meter current.
- updateProgressTimer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.lineofsight.LinesOfSight.AppFrame
- updateReadout(Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.TrackViewPanel
- updateRenderables() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ViewLimits.Controller
- updateRenderState(DrawContext, AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
- updateRenderStateIfNeeded(DrawContext, AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
Update the balloon's active attributes and points, if that hasn't already been done this frame.
- updateRetrievablePanels(Sector) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel
- updateRouteControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Updates the control points and affordances for
- updatesApplied - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLUpdate
- updateScreenAnnotation(PowerOfTwoPaddedImage) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MarkersOrder.AppFrame
- updateSector() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel
- updateSequence - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCCapabilities
- updateShapeAnnotation() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Updates the annotation indicating the edited shape's center.
- updateShapeCenter(String, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- updateShapeControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- updateShapeControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
- updateShapeIntersection() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.AirspaceBuilder.AirspaceBuilderController
- updateShapeOrientation(String, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- updateShapeProperties(String, Position, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- updateShapeProperties(String, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
- updateShapeSize(String, Position) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool
- updateSize() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.ToolBarImpl.ToolBarButton
- updateSkyDome(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.SkyGradientLayer
- updateSphereControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
- updateState(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DialogAnnotation.BusyImage
- updateStatus() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel.DownloadMonitorPanel
- updateSubIterator() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer.CompoundIterator
- updateSubIterator() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.CompoundVecBuffer.ReverseCompoundIterator
- updateSurfaceCircleControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
- updateSurfaceEllipseControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
- updateSurfaceNormals(AnalyticSurface.RenderInfo) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.analytics.AnalyticSurface
- updateSurfacePoints(DrawContext, AnalyticSurface.RenderInfo) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.analytics.AnalyticSurface
- updateSurfacePolygonControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
- updateSurfaceQuadControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
- updateSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractShape
Sets surface shape parameters prior to picking and rendering the 2D shape used to represent this shape on 2D
- updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext, SurfaceShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
Sets surface shape parameters prior to picking and rendering the 2D shape used to represent this Airspace on 2D
- updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext, SurfaceShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedCylinder
- updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext, SurfaceShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.CappedEllipticalCylinder
- updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext, SurfaceShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Curtain
- updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext, SurfaceShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Orbit
- updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext, SurfaceShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.Polygon
- updateSurfaceShape(DrawContext, SurfaceShape) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.SphereAirspace
- updateSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Path
- updateSurfaceShape() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DirectedPath
Sets surface shape parameters prior to picking and rendering the 2D shape used to represent this shape on 2D
- updateSurfaceSquareControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
- updateTableData() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.PositionTable
- updateTableRow(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.PositionTable
- updateTargetValues() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.KeepingObjectsInView.ViewAnimator
- updateTextBounds(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceText
Determine the text bounds.
- updateTextureWithSubImage(DrawContext, Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Loads a sub-region of this texture atlas' backing image into its OpenGL texture.
- updateThread - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel.BulkRetrievablePanel
- updateTile(DrawContext, SurfaceObjectTileBuilder.SurfaceObjectTile) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Draws the current list of surface renderables into the specified surface tile.
- updateTile(DrawContext, ScrollFrame.ContentTile, Rectangle) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Draws the current list of ScrollableTiles into the texture tiles.
- updateTiles(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
- updateTiles(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.ScrollFrame
Update content tiles that have been rendered to a texture.
- updateTime - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TextureTile
- updateTime - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.KMLLink
The time, in milliseconds since the Epoch, at which the linked content was most recently updated.
- updateTime - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.BasicElevationModel.ElevationTile
- updateTime - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree.BasicTreeLayout
Time at which the rendered tree last changed.
- updateTime - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.webview.WindowsWebView.WindowsWebViewTexture
- updateTimer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.BulkDownloadPanel.DownloadMonitorPanel
- updateTimer - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.SlideShowAnnotationController
- updateToolTip(SelectEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.DialogAnnotationController
- updateTrackControlPoints() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ShapeEditor
Updates the control points and affordances for
- updateView(ScreenAnnotation, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.ViewControlsSelectListener
- updateViewLimits() - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ViewLimits.Controller
- updateWebView(DrawContext, AbstractBrowserBalloon.OrderedBrowserBalloon) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon
- uploadItem - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.HTTPFileUpload.FileInfo
- uploadName - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.HTTPFileUpload.FileInfo
- UPPER_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AbstractAirspaceEditor
- UPPER_ALTITUDE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.editor.AirspaceEditorUtil
- UPPER_LEFT_UV - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
- UPPER_RIGHT_UV - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.shapebuilder.RigidShapeEditor
- upperAltitude - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
- upperAltitudeDatum - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
- upperLimit - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.TrackRenderer
- upperTerrainConforming - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.airspaces.AbstractAirspace
- UPS_EASTING_ERROR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UPSCoordConverter
- UPS_HEMISPHERE_ERROR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UPSCoordConverter
- UPS_NO_ERROR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UPSCoordConverter
- UPS_NORTHING_ERROR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UPSCoordConverter
- UPSCoord - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords
This immutable class holds a set of UPS coordinates along with it's corresponding latitude and longitude.
- UPSCoord(Angle, Angle, String, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UPSCoord
Create an arbitrary set of UPS coordinates with the given values.
- UPSCoordConverter - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords
Ported to Java from the NGA GeoTrans ups.c and ups.h code - Feb 12, 2007 4:52:59 PM
- uri - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.collada.io.ColladaInputStream
The URI of this COLLADA document.
- uri - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.io.KMLInputStream
The URI of this KML document.
- URL - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- url - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
- url - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.HTTPFileUpload
- URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- URL_PROXY_HOST - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- URL_PROXY_PORT - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- URL_PROXY_TYPE - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- URL_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- URLBuilder(String, AVList) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.WCSElevationModel.URLBuilder
- URLBuilder(String, AVList) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.WMSBasicElevationModel.URLBuilder
- urlBuilder - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Level
- URLBuilder(AVList) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.WMSTiledImageLayer.URLBuilder
- urlField - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.WMSPanel
- URLRetriever - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve
- URLRetriever(URL, RetrievalPostProcessor) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.retrieve.URLRetriever
- URLTemplate - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.WCSElevationModel.URLBuilder
- URLTemplate - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.WMSBasicElevationModel.URLBuilder
- URLTemplate - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.wms.WMSTiledImageLayer.URLBuilder
- US_ANTHROPOGENIC - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
- US_TERRAIN - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
- US_WATER - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
- usageLock - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.data.GDALDataRaster
- USCITIES0 - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
- USCITIESOVER0 - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.NASAWFSPlaceNameLayer
- USDANAIPWMSImageLayer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
- USDANAIPWMSImageLayer() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.USDANAIPWMSImageLayer
- USE_MIP_MAPS - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- USE_TRANSPARENT_TEXTURES - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVKey
- useAnisotropy - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.LazilyLoadedTexture
The current anisotropy flag.
- useAnisotropy - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Indicates whether this texture atlas applies an anisotropic filter to each atlas element.
- useCachedElevationsOnly - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.terrain.HighResolutionTerrain
Indicates whether cached elevations are used exclusively.
- useFramebufferObject(DrawContext) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.OGLRenderToTextureSupport
- useGroundHeadingIndicator - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525TacticalSymbol
- useGroupColor - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.ShapefileAttributeGroups.AttributeGroup
- useImageAspectRatio - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ImageAnnotation
- useImageTilePickColors - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceTileRenderer
- useLinearFilter - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Controls if surface tiles are rendered using a linear filter or a nearest-neighbor filter.
- useMidZoom - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewElevationAnimator
- useMidZoom(double, double, double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.view.ViewElevationAnimator
Determines if the animation will use mid-zoom.
- useMidZoom - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.kml.KMLOrbitViewController.EyePositionAnimator
- useMipMaps - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
- useMipMaps - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.LazilyLoadedTexture
The mip-map flag specified at construction.
- useMipmaps - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfaceObjectTileBuilder
Controls if mip-maps are generated for surface tile textures.
- useMipMaps - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.TextureAtlas
Indicates whether this texture atlas generates mip-maps for each atlas element.
- useMipmaps - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.util.ImageAnnotation
- usePointAsDefaultImage - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.PointPlacemarkAttributes
- USER_DEFINED_SYMBOLIZATION - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCCapabilityInformation
- USER_LAYER - Static variable in interface gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.core.Constants
- userDefinedSymbolization - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.OGCCapabilityInformation
- UserFacingIcon - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render
- UserFacingIcon() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.UserFacingIcon
- UserFacingIcon(String, Position) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.UserFacingIcon
- UserFacingIcon(Object, Position) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.UserFacingIcon
- UserFacingText - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.render
- UserFacingText(CharSequence, Position) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.UserFacingText
- userPreferences - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.SAR2
- UserPreferenceUtils - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar
- UserPreferenceUtils() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.sar.UserPreferenceUtils
- useRubberBand - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureToolController
- useRubberBand - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.measuretool.WWOMeasureTool
- useSmoothing - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.animation.MoveToPositionAnimator
- useTransparentTextures - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.TiledImageLayer
- USGS_EARTHQUAKE_FEED_URL - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.FlatWorldEarthquakes
- USGS_EARTHQUAKE_MAGNITUDE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.FlatWorldEarthquakes
- USGS_EARTHQUAKE_PLACE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.FlatWorldEarthquakes
- USGS_EARTHQUAKE_TIME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.FlatWorldEarthquakes
- USGSDigitalOrtho - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
- USGSDigitalOrtho() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.USGSDigitalOrtho
- USGSTopoHighRes - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
- USGSTopoHighRes() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.USGSTopoHighRes
- USGSTopoLowRes - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
- USGSTopoLowRes() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.USGSTopoLowRes
- USGSTopoMedRes - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
- USGSTopoMedRes() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.USGSTopoMedRes
- USGSUrbanAreaOrtho - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
- USGSUrbanAreaOrtho() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.USGSUrbanAreaOrtho
- usingDefaultText - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl.KMLAbstractBalloon
Indicates that the balloon has default text loaded, rather than text supplied by the BalloonStyle.
- Util - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util
- Util() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.util.Util
- UTM_MAX_LATITUDE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer
- UTM_MIN_LATITUDE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer
- UTMBaseGraticuleLayer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
Displays the UTM graticule.
- UTMBaseGraticuleLayer() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMBaseGraticuleLayer
- UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.MetricScaleSupport - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
- UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareGrid - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
Represent a square 10x10 grid and recursive tree in easting/northing coordinates
- UTMBaseGraticuleLayer.SquareZone - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
Represent a 100km square zone inside an UTM zone.
- UTMCoord - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords
This immutable class holds a set of UTM coordinates along with it's corresponding latitude and longitude.
- UTMCoord(Angle, Angle, int, String, double, double) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UTMCoord
Create an arbitrary set of UTM coordinates with the given values.
- UTMCoord(Angle, Angle, int, String, double, double, Angle) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.coords.UTMCoord
Create an arbitrary set of UTM coordinates with the given values.
- utmEasting(double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat
Format a UTM easting value according to the current UTM easting format.
- utmEastingNL(double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat
Format a UTM easting value according to the current UTM easting format and append a new-line character.
- UTMGraticule - Class in gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features
- UTMGraticule() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.UTMGraticule
- UTMGraticule(Registry) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwindx.applications.worldwindow.features.UTMGraticule
- UTMGraticuleLayer - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
Displays the UTM graticule.
- UTMGraticuleLayer() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth.UTMGraticuleLayer
- UTMGraticuleLayer.GraticuleTile - Class in gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Earth
- utmNorthing(double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat
Format a UTM northing value according to the current UTM northing format.
- utmNorthingNL(double) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat
Format a UTM northing value according to the current UTM northing format and append a new-line character.
- utmZone(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat
Format a UTM zone according to the current UTM zone format.
- utmZoneNL(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat
Format a UTM zone according to the current UTM zone format and append a new-line character.
- uv - Variable in class gov.nasa.worldwind.util.ImageInterpolator.ContainingCell
- uvWeightedAverage(List<SurfacePolygon.Vertex>, SurfacePolygon.Vertex) - Method in class gov.nasa.worldwind.render.SurfacePolygon