Class MilStd2525TacticalSymbol

    • Field Detail


        public static final UnitsFormat DEFAULT_UNITS_FORMAT
        Default unit format.

        protected static final java.awt.Font DEFAULT_FRAME_SHAPE_FONT
      • symbolEchelonMap

        protected static final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> symbolEchelonMap
      • exerciseSymbols

        protected static final java.util.Set<java.lang.String> exerciseSymbols
      • symbolCode

        protected SymbolCode symbolCode
        Indicates a string identifier for this symbol. The format of the identifier depends on the symbol set to which this symbol belongs. For symbols belonging to the MIL-STD-2525 symbol set, this returns a 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC). Calculated from the current modifiers at construction and during each call to AbstractTacticalSymbol.setModifier(String, Object). Initially null.
      • isGroundSymbol

        protected boolean isGroundSymbol
      • useGroundHeadingIndicator

        protected boolean useGroundHeadingIndicator
    • Constructor Detail

      • MilStd2525TacticalSymbol

        public MilStd2525TacticalSymbol​(java.lang.String symbolId,
                                        Position position)
        Constructs a tactical symbol for the MIL-STD-2525 symbology set with the specified symbol identifier and position. This constructor does not accept any supplemental modifiers, so the symbol contains only the attributes specified by its symbol identifier. This constructor does not accept any icon retrieval path, so the created symbol retrieves its icons from the default location.

        The symbolId specifies the tactical symbol's appearance. The symbolId must be a 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC). The symbol's shape, fill color, outline color, and icon are all defined by the symbol identifier. Use the '-' character to specify null entries in the symbol identifier.

        The position specifies the latitude, longitude, and altitude where the symbol is drawn on the globe. The position's altitude component is interpreted according to the altitudeMode.

        symbolId - a 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC).
        position - the latitude, longitude, and altitude where the symbol is drawn.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either the symbolId or the position are null, or if the symbolId is not a valid 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC).
      • MilStd2525TacticalSymbol

        public MilStd2525TacticalSymbol​(java.lang.String symbolId,
                                        Position position,
                                        AVList modifiers)
        Constructs a tactical symbol for the MIL-STD-2525 symbology set with the specified symbol identifier, position, and list of modifiers. This constructor does not accept any icon retrieval path, so the created symbol retrieves its icons from the default location.

        The symbolId specifies the tactical symbol's appearance. The symbolId must be a 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC). The symbol's shape, fill color, outline color, and icon are all defined by the symbol identifier. Use the '-' character to specify null entries in the symbol identifier.

        The position specifies the latitude, longitude, and altitude where the symbol is drawn on the globe. The position's altitude component is interpreted according to this symbol's altitudeMode.

        The modifiers specify supplemental graphic and text attributes as key-value pairs. See the MilStd2525TacticalSymbol class documentation for the list of recognized modifiers. In the case where both the symbol identifier and the modifiers list specify the same attribute, the modifiers list has priority.

        symbolId - a 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC).
        position - the latitude, longitude, and altitude where the symbol is drawn.
        modifiers - an optional list of key-value pairs specifying the symbol's modifiers. May be null to specify that the symbol contains only the attributes in its symbol identifier.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either the symbolId or the position are null, or if the symbolId is not a valid 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC).
    • Method Detail

      • init

        protected void init​(java.lang.String symbolId,
                            AVList modifiers)
      • getIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
        Indicates a string identifier for this symbol. The format of the identifier depends on the symbol set to which this symbol belongs. For symbols belonging to the MIL-STD-2525 symbol set, this returns a 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC).
        an identifier for this symbol.
      • getStatus

        public java.lang.String getStatus()
        Indicates the current value of symbol's Status/Operational Condition field.
        this symbol's Status/Operational Condition field.
        See Also:
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(java.lang.String value)
        Specifies this symbol's Status/Operational Condition field. A symbol's Status defines whether the represented object exists at the time the symbol was generated, or is anticipated to exist in the future. Additionally, a symbol's Status can define its operational condition. The recognized values depend on the specific MIL-STD-2525 symbology scheme the symbol belongs to:

        Warfighting, Signals Intelligence, Stability Operations


        Tactical Graphics

        • STATUS_KNOWN

        Emergency Management

        value - the new value for the Status/Operational Condition field.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified value is null or is not one of the accepted status values.
      • isShowFrame

        public boolean isShowFrame()
        Indicates whether this symbol draws its frame. See setShowFrame(boolean) for a description of how this property is used.
        true if this symbol draws its frame, otherwise false.
      • setShowFrame

        public void setShowFrame​(boolean showFrame)
        Specifies whether to draw this symbol's frame. The showFrame property provides control over this tactical symbol's display option hierarchy as defined by MIL-STD-2525C, section 5.4.5 and table III.

        When true, this symbol's frame is drawn. This state corresponds to MIL-STD-2525C, table III, row 1.

        When false, this symbol's frame is not drawn. Instead, only the symbol's internal icon is drawn. This state corresponds to MIL-STD-2525C, table III, row 4.

        showFrame - true to draw this symbol's frame, otherwise false.
      • isShowFill

        public boolean isShowFill()
        Indicates whether this symbol draws its fill. See setShowFill(boolean) for a description of how this property is used.
        true if this symbol draws its fill, otherwise false.
      • setShowFill

        public void setShowFill​(boolean showFill)
        Specifies whether to draw this symbol's fill. The showFill property provides control over this tactical symbol's display option hierarchy as defined by MIL-STD-2525C, section 5.4.5 and table III.

        When true, this symbol's fill is drawn. This state corresponds to MIL-STD-2525C, table III, row 1.

        When false, this symbol's fill is not drawn. Instead, only the symbol's frame and internal icon are drawn. This state corresponds to MIL-STD-2525C, table III, row 2.

        showFill - true to draw this symbol's fill, otherwise false.
      • isShowIcon

        public boolean isShowIcon()
        Indicates whether this symbol draws its internal icon. See setShowIcon(boolean) for a description of how this property is used.
        true if this symbol draws its icon, otherwise false.
      • setShowIcon

        public void setShowIcon​(boolean showIcon)
        Specifies whether to draw this symbol's internal icon. The showIcon property provides control over this tactical symbol's display option hierarchy as defined by MIL-STD-2525C, section 5.4.5 and table III.

        When true, this symbol's icon is drawn. This state corresponds to MIL-STD-2525C, table III, row 1.

        When false, this symbol's icon is not drawn. Instead, only the symbol's frame and fill are drawn. This state corresponds to MIL-STD-2525C, table III, row 5.

        showIcon - true to draw this symbol's icon, otherwise false.
      • initIconLayout

        protected void initIconLayout()
      • applyImplicitModifiers

        protected void applyImplicitModifiers​(AVList modifiers)
        Description copied from class: AbstractTacticalSymbol
        Add implicit modifiers to the modifier list. This method is called each frame to add modifiers that are determined implicitly by the symbol state, rather than set explicitly by the application. For example, the location modifier can be determined by the symbol position without the application needing to specify it.
        applyImplicitModifiers in class AbstractTacticalSymbol
        modifiers - List of modifiers. This method may modify this list by adding implicit modifiers.
      • mustUseAlternateOperationalCondition

        protected boolean mustUseAlternateOperationalCondition​(AVList modifiers)
        Indicates whether or not the symbol should be displayed using the alternate Operational Condition indicator described in MIL-STD-2525C spec Table III-2, pg. 19. The alternate display is always used for symbols in the Emergency Management scheme (see MIL-STD-2525C // spec section G.5.5.14, pg. 1030). It is be used for other symbols if the SymbologyConstants.OPERATIONAL_CONDITION_ALTERNATE modifier is set.
        modifiers - Symbol modifiers.
        True if the symbol must use the alternate operational condition indicator.
      • getModifierCode

        protected java.lang.String getModifierCode​(AVList modifiers,
                                                   java.lang.String modifierKey)
      • getReinforcedReducedModifier

        protected java.lang.String getReinforcedReducedModifier​(AVList modifiers,
                                                                java.lang.String modifierKey)
      • appendTextModifier

        protected void appendTextModifier​(java.lang.StringBuilder sb,
                                          AVList modifiers,
                                          java.lang.String modifierKey,
                                          java.lang.Integer maxLength)