Class UnitsFormat

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    MilStd2525UnitsFormat, WWOUnitsFormat

    public class UnitsFormat
    extends AVListImpl
    Consolidates the conversion, display and formatting of geographic units such as lengths in miles and areas in hectares. Applications configure a class instance to the desired units, labels and display formats, then simply retrieve display strings from the instance via one standard interface. All input values are in meters; the class performs the necessary conversions to the selected display units.
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String SQUARE_KILOMETERS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SYMBOL_KILOMETERS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SYMBOL_NAUTICAL_MILES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SYMBOL_SQUARE_METERS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SYMBOL_SQUARE_KILOMETERS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SYMBOL_SQUARE_MILES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SYMBOL_SQUARE_YARDS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String SYMBOL_SQUARE_FEET
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LABEL_LATLON_LAT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LABEL_LATLON_LON
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LABEL_EYE_ALTITUDE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LABEL_UTM_EASTING
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LABEL_UTM_NORTHING
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LABEL_TERRAIN_HEIGHT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FORMAT_UTM_NORTHING
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FORMAT_UTM_EASTING
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FORMAT_EYE_ALTITUDE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FORMAT_DECIMAL_DEGREES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FORMAT_TERRAIN_HEIGHT
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • showDMS

        protected boolean showDMS
      • lengthUnits

        protected java.lang.String lengthUnits
      • lengthUnitsSymbol

        protected java.lang.String lengthUnitsSymbol
      • lengthUnitsMultiplier

        protected double lengthUnitsMultiplier
      • areaUnits

        protected java.lang.String areaUnits
      • areaUnitsSymbol

        protected java.lang.String areaUnitsSymbol
      • areaUnitsMultiplier

        protected double areaUnitsMultiplier
      • altitudeUnits

        protected java.lang.String altitudeUnits
      • altitudeUnitsSymbol

        protected java.lang.String altitudeUnitsSymbol
      • altitudeUnitsMultiplier

        protected double altitudeUnitsMultiplier
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnitsFormat

        public UnitsFormat()
        Construct an instance that displays length in kilometers, area in square kilometers and angles in decimal degrees.
      • UnitsFormat

        public UnitsFormat​(java.lang.String lengthUnits,
                           java.lang.String areaUnits)
        Constructs an instance that display length and area in specified units, and angles in decimal degrees.
        lengthUnits - the desired length units. Available length units are METERS, KILOMETERS, MILES, NAUTICAL_MILES, YARDS and FEET.
        areaUnits - the desired area units. Available area units are SQUARE_METERS, SQUARE_KILOMETERS, HECTARE, ACRE, SQUARE_YARD and SQUARE_FEET.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either lengthUnits or areaUnits is null.
      • UnitsFormat

        public UnitsFormat​(java.lang.String lengthUnits,
                           java.lang.String areaUnits,
                           boolean showDMS)
        Constructs an instance that display length and area in specified units, and angles in a specified format.
        lengthUnits - the desired length units. Available length units are METERS, KILOMETERS, MILES, NAUTICAL_MILES, YARDS and FEET.
        areaUnits - the desired area units. Available area units are SQUARE_METERS, SQUARE_KILOMETERS, HECTARE, ACRE, SQUARE_YARD and SQUARE_FEET.
        showDMS - true if the desired angle format is degrees-minutes-seconds, false if the format is decimal degrees.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either lengthUnits or areaUnits is null.
    • Method Detail

      • setDefaultLabels

        protected void setDefaultLabels()
        Establishes the labels to use when displaying values other than length and area. A label is a string placed before the value and its units. Examples are Latitude 24.36, UTM Zone: 12, and Eye Altitude: 500 km, where the emphasized terms are the labels. Subclasses can override this method to establish labels other than the defaults. The default labels are drawn from the current message properties. The recognized labels are those indicated by the "LABEL_" constants defined by this class or by its subclasses.
      • setDefaultFormats

        protected void setDefaultFormats()
        Establishes the format declarations to use for certain values. Examples are " %,12.1f %s" for lengths and " %,11.1f" for UTM northings. Subclasses can override this method to establish formats other than the defaults. The value types that have associated formats are indicated by the "FORMAT_" constants defined by this class or by its subclasses.
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(java.lang.String labelName,
                             java.lang.String label)
        Set the label of a specified value type. See setDefaultLabels() for a description and examples of labels.
        labelName - a key identifying the label type. Available names are those indicated by the "LABEL_" constants defined by this class or by its subclasses
        label - the label to use for the specified value type.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either the label or label name is null.
      • getLabel

        public java.lang.String getLabel​(java.lang.String labelName)
        Returns the label for a specified label name.
        labelName - the name of the label to return.
        the label, or null if the label does not exist.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the label name is null.
      • setFormat

        public void setFormat​(java.lang.String formatName,
                              java.lang.String format)
        Set the format of a specified value type. See setDefaultFormats() for a description and examples of formats.
        formatName - a key identifying the value type that is to have the specified format. Available types are those indicated by the "FORMAT_" constants defined by this class or by its subclasses
        format - the label to use for the specified value type.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either the format or format name are null.
      • getFormat

        public java.lang.String getFormat​(java.lang.String formatName)
        Returns the format for a specified value type.
        formatName - the name of the value type whose format is desired.
        the format, or null if the format does not exist.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the format name is null.
      • isShowDMS

        public boolean isShowDMS()
        Indicates whether angles are displayed in degrees-minutes-seconds.
        true if angles are displayed in degrees-minutes seconds, false if they're displayed in decimal degrees.
      • setShowDMS

        public void setShowDMS​(boolean showDMS)
        Specifies whether angles are displayed in degrees-minutes-seconds.
        showDMS - true to display angles in degrees-minutes seconds, false to display them in decimal degrees.
      • getLengthUnitsSymbol

        public java.lang.String getLengthUnitsSymbol()
        Returns the units symbol for the current length units. Examples are "m" for meters and "Nm" for nautical miles.
        the units symbol for the current length units.
      • getLengthUnits

        public java.lang.String getLengthUnits()
        Returns the current length units.
        the current length units. See UnitsFormat(String, String, boolean) for the list of those available.
      • setLengthUnits

        public void setLengthUnits​(java.lang.String lengthUnits)
        Specifies the units in which to display length values. Units subsequently formatted by the instance are converted from meters to the desired units prior to formatting.
        lengthUnits - the desired length units. See UnitsFormat(String, String, boolean) for the list of those available.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if lengthUnits is null.
      • getLengthUnitsMultiplier

        public double getLengthUnitsMultiplier()
        Indicates the multiplier used to convert from meters to the current length units.
        the conversion multiplier to convert meters to the current length units.
      • getAltitudeUnitsSymbol

        public java.lang.String getAltitudeUnitsSymbol()
        Returns the units symbol for the current altitude units. Examples are "m" for meters and "Nm" for nautical miles.
        the units symbol for the current altitude units.
      • getAltitudeUnits

        public java.lang.String getAltitudeUnits()
        Returns the current altitude units.
        the current altitude units. See UnitsFormat(String, String, boolean) for the list of those available.
      • setAltitudeUnits

        public void setAltitudeUnits​(java.lang.String altitudeUnits)
        Specifies the units in which to display altitude values. Units subsequently formatted by the instance are converted from meters to the desired units prior to formatting.
        altitudeUnits - the desired altitude units. See UnitsFormat(String, String, boolean) for the list of those available.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if lengthUnits is null.
      • getAltitudeUnitsMultiplier

        public double getAltitudeUnitsMultiplier()
        Indicates the multiplier used to convert from meters to the current altitude units.
        the conversion multiplier to convert meters to the current altitude units.
      • getAreaUnits

        public java.lang.String getAreaUnits()
        Returns the current area units.
        the current area units. See UnitsFormat(String, String, boolean) for the list of those available.
      • setAreaUnits

        public void setAreaUnits​(java.lang.String areaUnits)
        Specifies the units in which to display area values. Units subsequently formatted by the instance are converted from square meters to the desired units prior to formatting.
        areaUnits - the desired length units. See UnitsFormat(String, String, boolean) for the list of those available.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if areaUnits is null.
      • getAreaUnitsMultiplier

        public double getAreaUnitsMultiplier()
        Indicates the multiplier used to convert from square meters to the current area units.
        the conversion multiplier to convert square meters to the current area units.
      • getAreaUnitsSymbol

        public java.lang.String getAreaUnitsSymbol()
        Returns the units symbol for the current area units. Examples are "m²" for square meters and "miles²" for square miles.
        the units symbol for the current area units.
      • setUnitsSystem

        public void setUnitsSystem​(java.lang.String unitsSystem)
        Sets the length and area units to those common for a given units system. Recognized systems are METRIC_SYSTEM, which uses kilometers and square kilometers, and IMPERIAL_SYSTEM, which uses miles and square miles.
        unitsSystem - the desired units system, either METRIC_SYSTEM or IMPERIAL_SYSTEM.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if unitsSystem is null.
      • getLengthUnitsSystem

        public java.lang.String getLengthUnitsSystem()
        Indicates the unit system of the current length units. The available systems are METRIC_SYSTEM and IMPERIAL_SYSTEM.
        the current units system for lengths.
      • getAreaUnitsSystem

        public java.lang.String getAreaUnitsSystem()
        Indicates the unit system of the current area units. The available systems are METRIC_SYSTEM and IMPERIAL_SYSTEM.
        the current units system for areas.
      • latitudeNL

        public java.lang.String latitudeNL​(Angle angle)
        Format an angle of latitude and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_LATITUDE and angle format.

        angle - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle and ending with the new-line character.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the angle is null.
      • latitude

        public java.lang.String latitude​(Angle angle)
        Format an angle of latitude.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_LATITUDE and angle format.

        angle - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the angle is null.
      • longitudeNL

        public java.lang.String longitudeNL​(Angle angle)
        Format an angle of longitude and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_LONGITUDE and angle format.

        angle - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle and ending with the new-line character.
      • longitude

        public java.lang.String longitude​(Angle angle)
        Format an angle of longitude.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_LONGITUDE and angle format.

        angle - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the angle is null.
      • headingNL

        public java.lang.String headingNL​(Angle angle)
        Format an angle of heading according to the current angle format, and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_HEADING and angle format.

        angle - the heading angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle and ending with the new-line character.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the angle is null.
      • heading

        public java.lang.String heading​(Angle angle)
        Format an angle of heading according to the current angle format.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_HEADING and angle format.

        angle - the heading angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the angle is null.
      • headingNL

        public java.lang.String headingNL​(double heading)
        Format an angle of heading in degrees according to the current angle format, and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_HEADING and FORMAT_HEADING. The default FORMAT_HEADING is " %9.2f°".

        heading - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle and ending with the new-line character.
      • heading

        public java.lang.String heading​(double heading)
        Format an angle of heading in degrees according to the current angle format.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_HEADING and FORMAT_HEADING. The default FORMAT_HEADING is " %9.2f°".

        heading - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle.
      • latLonNL

        public java.lang.String latLonNL​(LatLon latlon)
        Format angles of latitude and longitude according to the current angle format, and append a new-line character.

        The values are formatted using the current LABEL_LATLON_LAT, LABEL_LATLON_LON and angle format.

        latlon - the angles to format.
        a string containing the formatted angles and ending with the new-line character.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if latlon is null.
      • latLon

        public java.lang.String latLon​(LatLon latlon)
        Format angles of latitude and longitude according to the current angle format.

        The values are formatted using the current LABEL_LATLON_LAT, LABEL_LATLON_LON and angle format.

        latlon - the angles to format.
        a string containing the formatted angles.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if latlon is null.
      • latLon2NL

        public java.lang.String latLon2NL​(LatLon latlon)
        Format angles with latLon2(gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.LatLon) and append a new-line character.
        latlon - the angles to format.
        a string containing the formatted angles and ending with the new-line character.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if latlon is null.
      • latLon2

        public java.lang.String latLon2​(LatLon latlon)
        Format angles of latitude and longitude according to the current angle format and in the form "20°N 85°S".
        latlon - the angles to format.
        a string containing the formatted angles.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if latlon is null.
      • angleNL

        public java.lang.String angleNL​(java.lang.String label,
                                        Angle angle)
        Format an angle according to the current angle format. Prepend a specified label and append a new-line character.
        label - a label to prepend to the formatted angle. May be null to indicate no label.
        angle - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle prepended with the specified label and ending with the new-line character.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the angle is null.
      • angle

        public java.lang.String angle​(java.lang.String label,
                                      Angle angle)
        Format an angle according to the current angle format. Prepend a specified label.
        label - a label to prepend to the formatted angle. May be null to indicate no label.
        angle - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle prepended with the specified label.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the angle is null.
      • eyeAltitudeNL

        public java.lang.String eyeAltitudeNL​(double metersAltitude)
        Format an eye altitude according to the current eye altitude format, and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_EYE_ALTITUDE, FORMAT_EYE_ALTITUDE and length format.

        metersAltitude - the eye altitude to format, in meters.
        a string containing the formatted eye altitude and ending with the new-line character.
      • eyeAltitude

        public java.lang.String eyeAltitude​(double metersAltitude)
        Format an eye altitude according to the current eye altitude format.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_EYE_ALTITUDE, FORMAT_EYE_ALTITUDE and length format.

        metersAltitude - the eye altitude to format, in meters.
        a string containing the formatted eye altitude.
      • pitchNL

        public java.lang.String pitchNL​(double pitch)
        Format an angle of pitch according to the current angle format, and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_PITCH and FORMAT_PITCH. The default FORMAT_PITCH is " %9.2f°".

        pitch - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle and ending with the new-line character.
      • pitch

        public java.lang.String pitch​(double pitch)
        Format an angle of pitch according to the current angle format.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_PITCH and FORMAT_PITCH. The default FORMAT_PITCH is " %9.2f°".

        pitch - the angle to format.
        a string containing the formatted angle.
      • utmZoneNL

        public java.lang.String utmZoneNL​(int zone)
        Format a UTM zone according to the current UTM zone format and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_UTM_ZONE.

        zone - the UTM zone to format.
        the formatted UTM zone ending with a new-line character.
      • utmZone

        public java.lang.String utmZone​(int zone)
        Format a UTM zone according to the current UTM zone format.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_UTM_ZONE.

        zone - the UTM zone to format.
        the formatted UTM zone.
      • utmNorthingNL

        public java.lang.String utmNorthingNL​(double northing)
        Format a UTM northing value according to the current UTM northing format and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_UTM_NORTHING and current FORMAT_UTM_NORTHING. The default UTM northing format is " %,11.1f". No units symbol is included in the formatted string because UTM northing units are always meters.

        northing - the UTM northing to format.
        the formatted UTM northing ending with a new-line character.
      • utmNorthing

        public java.lang.String utmNorthing​(double northing)
        Format a UTM northing value according to the current UTM northing format.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_UTM_NORTHING and current FORMAT_UTM_NORTHING. The default UTM northing format is " %,11.1f". No units symbol is included in the formatted string because UTM northing units are always meters.

        northing - the UTM northing to format.
        the formatted UTM northing.
      • utmEastingNL

        public java.lang.String utmEastingNL​(double easting)
        Format a UTM easting value according to the current UTM easting format and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_UTM_EASTING and current FORMAT_UTM_EASTING. The default UTM easting format is " %,11.1f". No units symbol is included in the formatted string because UTM easting units are always meters.

        easting - the UTM northing to format.
        the formatted UTM easting ending with a new-line character.
      • utmEasting

        public java.lang.String utmEasting​(double easting)
        Format a UTM easting value according to the current UTM easting format.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_UTM_EASTING and current FORMAT_UTM_EASTING. The default UTM easting format is " %,11.1f". No units symbol is included in the formatted string because UTM easting units are always meters.

        easting - the UTM northing to format.
        the formatted UTM easting.
      • terrainHeightNL

        public java.lang.String terrainHeightNL​(double metersElevation,
                                                double verticalExaggeration)
        Format a terrain height value according to the current configuration and append a new-line character. See terrainHeight(double, double) for a description of the formatting.
        metersElevation - the terrain height in meters.
        verticalExaggeration - the vertical exaggeration to apply to the terrain height.
        the formatted terrain height ending with a new-line character.
      • terrainHeight

        public java.lang.String terrainHeight​(double metersElevation,
                                              double verticalExaggeration)
        Format a terrain height value according to the current configuration and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current LABEL_TERRAIN_HEIGHT, FORMAT_TERRAIN_HEIGHT and length units symbol. The default terrain height format is " (ve %3.1f): %,6d %s", where the %3.1f specifier stands for the vertical exaggeration, the %,6d specifier stands for the terrain height, and the %s specifier stands for the units symbol.

        Note: While the FORMAT_TERRAIN_HEIGHT string may be specified by the application, the terrain height components are always passed to the internal formatter in the order: vertical exaggeration, terrain height, units symbol.

        metersElevation - the terrain height in meters.
        verticalExaggeration - the vertical exaggeration to apply to the terrain height.
        the formatted terrain height ending with a new-line character.
      • lengthNL

        public java.lang.String lengthNL​(java.lang.String label,
                                         double meters)
        Format a length according to the current length configuration. Prepend a specified label and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current FORMAT_LENGTH and length units symbol, and is converted to the current length units prior to formatting. The default length format is " %,12.1f %s", where the %s specifier stands for the units symbol.

        label - the label to prepend to the formatted length. May be null to indicate no label.
        meters - the length to format, in meters.
        the formatted length with the specified label prepended and a new-line character appended.
      • length

        public java.lang.String length​(java.lang.String label,
                                       double meters)
        Format a length according to the current length configuration. Prepend a specified label.

        The value is formatted using the current FORMAT_LENGTH and length units symbol, and is converted to the current length units prior to formatting. The default length format is " %,12.1f %s", where the %s specifier stands for the units symbol.

        label - the label to prepend to the formatted length. May be null to indicate no label.
        meters - the length to format, in meters.
        the formatted length with the specified label prepended.
      • areaNL

        public java.lang.String areaNL​(java.lang.String label,
                                       double squareMeters)
        Format an area value according to the current length configuration. Prepend a specified label and append a new-line character.

        The value is formatted using the current FORMAT_AREA and area units symbol, and is converted to the current area units prior to formatting. The default area format is " %,12.1f %s", where the %s specifier stands for the units symbol.

        label - the label to prepend to the formatted length. May be null to indicate no label.
        squareMeters - the area value to format, in square meters.
        the formatted area with the specified label prepended and a new-line character appended.
      • area

        public java.lang.String area​(java.lang.String label,
                                     double squareMeters)
        Format an area value according to the current length configuration and prepend a specified label.

        The value is formatted using the current FORMAT_AREA and area units symbol, and is converted to the current area units prior to formatting. The default area format is " %,12.1f %s", where the %s specifier stands for the units symbol.

        label - the label to prepend to the formatted length. May be null to indicate no label.
        squareMeters - the area value to format, in square meters.
        the formatted area with the specified label prepended.