Class SharedShapes

  • public class SharedShapes
    extends java.lang.Object
    This example shows how to share WorldWind shapes between two WorldWindow instances. In this example the two WorldWind windows share imagery layers and the layers representing each type of shape. Though this example uses a different globe for each window, it is possible for the two windows to share the same Globe as is done in the MultiFrame example.

    Applications using multiple WorldWind windows simultaneously should instruct WorldWind to share OpenGL and other resources among those windows. Most WorldWind classes are designed to be shared across WorldWindow objects and are shared automatically. But OpenGL resources are not automatically shared. To share them, a reference to a previously created WorldWindow must be specified as a constructor argument for subsequently created WorldWindows.

    Most WorldWind Globe and Layer objects can be shared among WorldWindows. Those that cannot be shared have an operational dependency on the WorldWindow they're associated with. An example is the ViewControlsLayer layer for on-screen navigation. Because this layer responds to input events within a specific WorldWindow, it is not sharable. Refer to the WorldWind Overview page for a list of layers that cannot be shared.

    • Constructor Detail

      • SharedShapes

        public SharedShapes()
    • Method Detail

      • makeAirspaceLayer

        protected static Layer makeAirspaceLayer()
      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)