Interface WorldWindow

    • Method Detail

      • setModel

        void setModel​(Model model)
        Sets the model to display in this window. If null is specified for the model, the current model, if any, is disassociated with the window.
        model - the model to display. May be null.
      • getModel

        Model getModel()
        Returns the window's current model.
        the window's current model.
      • setView

        void setView​(View view)
        Sets the view to use when displaying this window's model. If null is specified for the view, the current view, if any, is disassociated with the window.
        view - the view to use to display this window's model. May be null.
      • getView

        View getView()
        Returns this window's current view.
        the window's current view.
      • setModelAndView

        void setModelAndView​(Model model,
                             View view)
        Sets the model to display in this window and the view used to display it. If null is specified for the model, the current model, if any, is disassociated with the window. If null is specified for the view, the current view, if any, is disassociated with the window.
        model - the model to display. May benull.
        view - the view to use to display this window's model. May benull.
      • getSceneController

        SceneController getSceneController()
        Returns the scene controller associated with this instance.
        The scene controller associated with the instance, or null if no scene controller is associated.
      • getInputHandler

        InputHandler getInputHandler()
        Returns the input handler associated with this instance.
        The input handler associated with this instance, or null if no input handler is associated.
      • setInputHandler

        void setInputHandler​(InputHandler inputHandler)
        Sets the input handler to use for this instance.
        inputHandler - The input handler to use for this WorldWindow. May by null if null is specified, the current input handler, if any, is disassociated with the WorldWindow.
      • addRenderingListener

        void addRenderingListener​(RenderingListener listener)
        Adds a rendering listener to this WorldWindow. Rendering listeners are called at key point during WorldWind drawing and provide applications the ability to participate or monitor rendering.
        listener - The rendering listener to add to those notified of rendering events by this WorldWindow.
      • removeRenderingListener

        void removeRenderingListener​(RenderingListener listener)
        Removes a specified rendering listener associated with this WorldWindow.
        listener - The rendering listener to remove.
      • addSelectListener

        void addSelectListener​(SelectListener listener)
        Adds a select listener to this WorldWindow. Select listeners are called when a selection is made by the user in the WorldWindow. A selection is any operation that identifies a visible item.
        listener - The select listener to add.
      • removeSelectListener

        void removeSelectListener​(SelectListener listener)
        Removes the specified select listener associated with this WorldWindow.
        listener - The select listener to remove.
      • addPositionListener

        void addPositionListener​(PositionListener listener)
        Adds a position listener to this WorldWindow. Position listeners are called when the cursor's position changes. They identify the position of the cursor on the globe, or that the cursor is not on the globe.
        listener - The position listener to add.
      • removePositionListener

        void removePositionListener​(PositionListener listener)
        Removes the specified position listener associated with this WorldWindow.
        listener - The listener to remove.
      • redraw

        void redraw()
        Causes a repaint event to be enqueued with the window system for this WorldWindow. The repaint will occur at the window system's discretion, within the window system toolkit's event loop, and on the thread of that loop. This is the preferred method for requesting a repaint of the WorldWindow.
      • redrawNow

        void redrawNow()
        Immediately repaints the WorldWindow without waiting for a window system repaint event. This is not the preferred way to cause a repaint, but is provided for the rare cases that require it.
      • getCurrentPosition

        Position getCurrentPosition()
        Returns the current latitude, longitude and altitude of the current cursor position, or null if the cursor is not on the globe.
        The current position of the cursor, or null if the cursor is not positioned on the globe.
      • getObjectsAtCurrentPosition

        PickedObjectList getObjectsAtCurrentPosition()
        Returns the WorldWind objects at the current cursor position. The list of objects under the cursor is determined each time the WorldWindow is repainted. This method returns the list of objects determined when the most recent repaint was performed.
        The list of objects at the cursor position, or null if no objects are under the cursor.
      • getObjectsInSelectionBox

        PickedObjectList getObjectsInSelectionBox()
        Returns the WorldWind objects intersecting the current selection box. The list of objects in the selection box is determined each time the WorldWindow is repainted. This method returns the list of objects determined when the most recent repaint was performed.
        The list of objects intersecting the selection box, or null if no objects are in the box.
      • getGpuResourceCache

        GpuResourceCache getGpuResourceCache()
        Returns the GPU Resource used by this WorldWindow. This method is for internal use only.

        Note: Applications do not need to interact with the GPU resource cache. It is self managed. Modifying it in any way will cause significant problems such as excessive memory usage or application crashes. The only reason to use the GPU resource cache is to request management of GPU resources within implementations of shapes or layers. And then access should be only through the draw context only.

        The GPU Resource cache used by this WorldWindow.
      • setPerFrameStatisticsKeys

        void setPerFrameStatisticsKeys​(java.util.Set<java.lang.String> keys)
        Activates the per-frame performance statistic specified. Per-frame statistics measure values within a single frame of rendering, such as number of tiles drawn to produce the frame.
        keys - The statistics to activate.
      • getPerFrameStatistics

        java.util.Collection<PerformanceStatistic> getPerFrameStatistics()
        Returns the active per-frame performance statistics such as number of tiles drawn in the most recent frame.
        The keys and values of the active per-frame statistics.
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()
        Causes resources used by the WorldWindow to be freed. The WorldWindow cannot be used once this method is called.
      • addRenderingExceptionListener

        void addRenderingExceptionListener​(RenderingExceptionListener listener)
        Adds an exception listener to this WorldWindow. Exception listeners are called when an exception or other critical event occurs during drawable initialization or during rendering.
        listener - the The exception listener to add.
      • removeRenderingExceptionListener

        void removeRenderingExceptionListener​(RenderingExceptionListener listener)
        Removes the specified rendering exception listener associated with this WorldWindow.
        listener - The listener to remove.
      • getContext

        com.jogamp.opengl.GLContext getContext()
        Returns the GLContext associated with this WorldWindow.
        the GLContext associated with this window. May be null.
      • isEnableGpuCacheReinitialization

        boolean isEnableGpuCacheReinitialization()
        Indicates whether the GPU resource cache is reinitialized when this window is reinitialized.
        true if reinitialization is enabled, otherwise false.
      • setEnableGpuCacheReinitialization

        void setEnableGpuCacheReinitialization​(boolean enableGpuCacheReinitialization)
        Specifies whether to reinitialize the GPU resource cache when this window is reinitialized. A value of true indicates that the GPU resource cache this window is using should be cleared when its init() method is called, typically when re-parented. Set this to false when this window is sharing context with other windows and is likely to be re-parented. It prevents the flashing caused by clearing and re-populating the GPU resource cache during re-parenting. The default value is true.
        enableGpuCacheReinitialization - true to enable reinitialization, otherwise false.