Class ForwardEdgeOfBattleArea.FEBASymbol

    • Field Detail

      • symbolCode

        protected java.lang.String symbolCode
      • leftAlign

        protected boolean leftAlign
        Indicates if the text ("FEBA") is right aligned or left aligned.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FEBASymbol

        protected FEBASymbol​(java.lang.String symbolCode)
        Constructs a new symbol with the specified position. The position specifies the latitude, longitude, and altitude where this symbol is drawn on the globe. The position's altitude component is interpreted according to the altitudeMode.
        symbolCode - MIL-STD-2525C SIDC that identifies the graphic.
    • Method Detail

      • getIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
        Indicates a string identifier for this symbol. The format of the identifier depends on the symbol set to which this symbol belongs. For symbols belonging to the MIL-STD-2525 symbol set, this returns a 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC).
        an identifier for this symbol.
      • setTextAlign

        public void setTextAlign​(java.lang.String align)
        Specifies whether the text ("FEBA") will be drawn on the left or right side of the symbol.
        align - AVKey.LEFT or AVKey.RIGHT. An alignment of AVKey.LEFT indicates that the left edge of the text aligns with the graphic (which puts the text on the right side of the circle). If the alignment is any value other than AVKey.LEFT or AVKey.RIGHT the alignment is assumed to be AVKey.RIGHT.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(java.lang.String status)
        Specifies this graphic's Status/Operational Condition field. A graphic's Status defines whether the represented object exists at the time the symbol was generated, or is anticipated to exist in the future. Additionally, a graphic's Status can define its operational condition. The recognized values are
        • STATUS_KNOWN
        status - the new value for the Status/Operational Condition field.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified value is null or is not one of the accepted status values.
      • getText

        protected java.lang.String getText()
        Indicates the text in the label.
        The string "FEBA".