Class TacticalGraphicSymbol

    • Field Detail

      • defaultOffsets

        protected static DefaultOffsets defaultOffsets
        Object that provides the default offset for each point graphic. Most graphics are centered on their position, but some require a different offset.
      • defaultLayouts

        protected static DefaultLabelLayouts defaultLayouts
        Object that provides the default label layouts for each point graphic.

        protected static final Offset BELOW_BOTTOM_CENTER_OFFSET

        protected static final int DEFAULT_LABEL_LINES
        The default number of label lines to expect when computing the minimum size of the text layout rectangle.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • symbolCode

        protected SymbolCode symbolCode
        Indicates a string identifier for this symbol. The format of the identifier depends on the symbol set to which this graphic belongs. For symbols belonging to the MIL-STD-2525 symbol set, this returns a 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC). Calculated from the current modifiers at construction and during each call to AbstractTacticalSymbol.setModifier(String, Object). Initially null.
      • maskedSymbolCode

        protected java.lang.String maskedSymbolCode
        Symbol identifier with fields that do not influence the type of graphic replaced with hyphens. See SymbolCode.toMaskedString().
    • Constructor Detail

      • TacticalGraphicSymbol

        public TacticalGraphicSymbol​(java.lang.String sidc)
        Constructs a new symbol with no position.
        sidc - Code that identifies the graphic.
      • TacticalGraphicSymbol

        public TacticalGraphicSymbol​(java.lang.String sidc,
                                     Position position)
        Constructs a new symbol with the specified position. The position specifies the latitude, longitude, and altitude where this symbol is drawn on the globe. The position's altitude component is interpreted according to the altitudeMode.
        sidc - Code that identifies the graphic.
        position - The latitude, longitude, and altitude where the symbol is drawn.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the position is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getStatus

        public java.lang.String getStatus()
        Indicates the current value of graphic's Status/Operational Condition field.
        this graphic's Status/Operational Condition field.
        See Also:
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(java.lang.String value)
        Specifies this graphic's Status/Operational Condition field. A graphic's Status defines whether the represented object exists at the time the symbol was generated, or is anticipated to exist in the future. Additionally, a graphic's Status can define its operational condition. The recognized values depend on the graphic's scheme:

        Tactical graphics

        • STATUS_KNOWN

        Meteorological and Oceanographic

        • Not supported

        Emergency Management

        value - the new value for the Status/Operational Condition field.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified value is null or is not one of the accepted status values.
      • init

        protected void init​(java.lang.String sidc)
        Initialize the new symbol.
        sidc - Code that identifies the graphic.
      • getIdentifier

        public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
        Indicates a string identifier for this symbol. The format of the identifier depends on the symbol set to which this symbol belongs. For symbols belonging to the MIL-STD-2525 symbol set, this returns a 15-character alphanumeric symbol identification code (SIDC).
        an identifier for this symbol.
      • applyImplicitModifiers

        protected void applyImplicitModifiers​(AVList modifiers)
        Description copied from class: AbstractTacticalSymbol
        Add implicit modifiers to the modifier list. This method is called each frame to add modifiers that are determined implicitly by the symbol state, rather than set explicitly by the application. For example, the location modifier can be determined by the symbol position without the application needing to specify it.
        applyImplicitModifiers in class AbstractTacticalSymbol
        modifiers - List of modifiers. This method may modify this list by adding implicit modifiers.
      • getLayouts

        protected java.util.List<TacticalGraphicSymbol.LabelLayout> getLayouts​(java.lang.String sidc)
        Indicates the label layouts designed to a particular graphic.
        sidc - Symbol ID to for which to determine layout.
        List of label layouts for the specified symbol.
      • addHyphenToDateRange

        protected java.lang.Iterable addHyphenToDateRange​(java.lang.Iterable value,
                                                          java.util.List<TacticalGraphicSymbol.OffsetPair> offsets)
        Add a hyphen to the first element in a list of dates to indicate a date range. This method only modifiers the date list if exactly two dates are displayed in the graphic.
        value - Iterable of date modifiers.
        offsets - Layouts for the date modifiers.
        Iterable of modified dates. This may be a new, modified list, or the same list as value if no modification was required.
      • isShowDirectionOfMovement

        protected boolean isShowDirectionOfMovement()
        Indicates whether or not this graphic supports the direction of movement indicator. Only chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear point graphics support this modifier (see MIL-STD-2525C, table XI, pg. 38).
        True if the graphic is chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear.