Source: globe/TiledElevationCoverage.js

 * Copyright 2003-2006, 2009, 2017, 2020 United States Government, as represented
 * by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind platform is licensed under the Apache License,
 * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
 * at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * NASAWorldWind/WebWorldWind also contains the following 3rd party Open Source
 * software:
 *    ES6-Promise – under MIT License
 *    libtess.js – SGI Free Software License B
 *    Proj4 – under MIT License
 *    JSZip – under MIT License
 * A complete listing of 3rd Party software notices and licenses included in
 * WebWorldWind can be found in the WebWorldWind 3rd-party notices and licenses
 * PDF found in code  directory.
 * @exports TiledElevationCoverage
    function (AbsentResourceList,
              WWMath) {
        "use strict";
         * Constructs a TiledElevationCoverage
         * @alias TiledElevationCoverage
         * @constructor
         * @classdesc Represents the elevations for an area, often but not necessarily the whole globe.
         * @param {{}} config Configuration properties for the coverage:
         * <ul>
         *     <li>coverageSector: {Sector} The sector this coverage spans.</li>
         *     <li>resolution: {Number} The resolution of the coverage, in degrees. (To compute degrees from meters, divide the number of meters by the globe's radius to obtain radians and convert the result to degrees.)</li>
         *     <li>retrievalImageFormat: {String} The mime type of the elevation data retrieved by this coverage.</li>
         *     <li>minElevation (optional): {Number} The coverage's minimum elevation in meters.</li>
         *     <li>maxElevation (optional): {Number} Te coverage's maximum elevation in meters.</li>
         *     <li>urlBuilder (optional): {UrlBuilder} The factory to create URLs for elevation data requests.</li>
         * <ul>
         * @throws {ArgumentError} If any required configuration parameter is null or undefined.
        var TiledElevationCoverage = function (config) {
            if (!config) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledElevationCoverage", "constructor", "missingConfig"));

            if (!config.coverageSector) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledElevationCoverage", "constructor", "missingSector"));

            if (!config.resolution) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledElevationCoverage", "constructor", "missingResolution"));

            if (!config.retrievalImageFormat) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledElevationCoverage", "constructor", "missingImageFormat"));

  , config.resolution);

            var firstLevelDelta = 45,
                tileWidth = 256,
                lastLevel = LevelSet.numLevelsForResolution(firstLevelDelta / tileWidth, config.resolution),
                numLevels = Math.ceil(lastLevel); // match or exceed the specified resolution

             * The sector this coverage spans.
             * @type {Sector}
             * @readonly
            this.coverageSector = config.coverageSector;

             * The mime type to use when retrieving elevations.
             * @type {String}
             * @readonly
            this.retrievalImageFormat = config.retrievalImageFormat;

             * This coverage's minimum elevation in meters.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default 0
            this.minElevation = config.minElevation || 0;

             * This coverage's maximum elevation in meters.
             * @type {Number}
            this.maxElevation = config.maxElevation || 0;

             * Indicates whether the data associated with this coverage is point data. A value of false
             * indicates that the data is area data (pixel is area).
             * @type {Boolean}
             * @default true
            this.pixelIsPoint = false;

             * The {@link LevelSet} dividing this coverage's geographic domain into a multi-resolution, hierarchical
             * collection of tiles.
             * @type {LevelSet}
             * @readonly
            this.levels = new LevelSet(this.coverageSector, new Location(firstLevelDelta, firstLevelDelta),
                numLevels, tileWidth, tileWidth);

             * Internal use only
             * The list of assembled tiles.
             * @type {Array}
             * @ignore
            this.currentTiles = [];

             * Internal use only
             * A scratch sector for use in computations.
             * @type {Sector}
             * @ignore
            this.currentSector = new Sector(0, 0, 0, 0);

             * Internal use only
             * A cache of elevation tiles.
             * @type {MemoryCache}
             * @ignore
            this.tileCache = new MemoryCache(1000000, 800000);

             * Internal use only
             * A cache of elevations.
             * @type {MemoryCache}
             * @ignore
            this.imageCache = new MemoryCache(10000000, 8000000);

             * Controls how many concurrent tile requests are allowed for this coverage.
             * @type {Number}
             * @default WorldWind.configuration.coverageRetrievalQueueSize
            this.retrievalQueueSize = WorldWind.configuration.coverageRetrievalQueueSize;

             * Internal use only
             * The list of elevation retrievals in progress.
             * @type {Array}
             * @ignore
            this.currentRetrievals = [];

             * Internal use only
             * The list of resources pending acquisition.
             * @type {Array}
             * @ignore
            this.absentResourceList = new AbsentResourceList(3, 5e3);

             * Internal use only
             * The factory to create URLs for data requests. This property is typically set in the constructor of child
             * classes. See {@link WcsUrlBuilder} for a concrete example.
             * @type {UrlBuilder}
             * @ignore
            this.urlBuilder = config.urlBuilder || null;

        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype = Object.create(ElevationCoverage.prototype);

        // Documented in super class
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.minAndMaxElevationsForSector = function (sector, result) {
            if (!sector) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledElevationCoverage", "minAndMaxElevationsForSector", "missingSector"));

            if (!result) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledElevationCoverage", "minAndMaxElevationsForSector", "missingResult"));

            var level = this.levels.levelForTexelSize(sector.deltaLatitude() * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS / 64);
            this.assembleTiles(level, sector, false);

            if (this.currentTiles.length === 0) {
                return false; // Sector is outside the coverage's coverage area. Don't modify the result.

            var hasCompleteCoverage = true;

            for (var i = 0, len = this.currentTiles.length; i < len; i++) {
                var image = this.imageCache.entryForKey(this.currentTiles[i].tileKey);
                if (image && image.hasData) {
                    var imageMin = image.minElevation;
                    if (result[0] > imageMin) {
                        result[0] = imageMin;

                    var imageMax = image.maxElevation;
                    if (result[1] < imageMax) {
                        result[1] = imageMax;

                if (!image || !image.hasData || image.hasMissingData) {
                    hasCompleteCoverage = false;

            return hasCompleteCoverage;

        // Documented in super class
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.elevationAtLocation = function (latitude, longitude) {
            if (!this.coverageSector.containsLocation(latitude, longitude)) {
                return null; // location is outside the coverage's coverage

            return this.pointElevationForLocation(latitude, longitude);

        // Documented in super class
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.elevationsForGrid = function (sector, numLat, numLon, result) {
            if (!sector) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledElevationCoverage", "elevationsForGrid", "missingSector"));

            if (!numLat || !numLon || numLat < 1 || numLon < 1) {
                throw new ArgumentError(
                    Logger.logMessage(Logger.LEVEL_SEVERE, "TiledElevationCoverage", "elevationsForGrid",
                        "The specified number of latitudinal or longitudinal positions is less than one."));

            var gridResolution = sector.deltaLatitude() / (numLat - 1) * Angle.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
            var level = this.levels.levelForTexelSize(gridResolution);
            if (this.pixelIsPoint) {
                return this.pointElevationsForGrid(sector, numLat, numLon, level, result);
            } else {
                return this.areaElevationsForGrid(sector, numLat, numLon, level, result);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.pointElevationForLocation = function (latitude, longitude) {
            var level = this.levels.lastLevel(),
                deltaLat = level.tileDelta.latitude,
                deltaLon = level.tileDelta.longitude,
                r = Tile.computeRow(deltaLat, latitude),
                c = Tile.computeColumn(deltaLon, longitude),
                image = null;

            for (var i = level.levelNumber; i >= 0; i--) {
                tileKey = Tile.computeTileKey(i, r, c);
                image = this.imageCache.entryForKey(tileKey);
                if (image) {
                    var elevation = image.elevationAtLocation(latitude, longitude);
                    return isNaN(elevation) ? null : elevation;

                r = Math.floor(r / 2);
                c = Math.floor(c / 2);

            return null; // did not find a tile with an image

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.pointElevationsForGrid = function (sector, numLat, numLon, level, result) {
            this.assembleTiles(level, sector, true);
            if (this.currentTiles.length === 0) {
                return false; // Sector is outside the coverage's coverage area. Do not modify the results array.

            // Sort from lowest resolution to highest so that higher resolutions override lower resolutions in the
            // loop below.
            this.currentTiles.sort(function (tileA, tileB) {
                return tileA.level.levelNumber - tileB.level.levelNumber;

            for (var i = 0, len = this.currentTiles.length; i < len; i++) {
                var image = this.imageCache.entryForKey(this.currentTiles[i].tileKey);
                if (image) {
                    image.elevationsForGrid(sector, numLat, numLon, result);

            return !result.includes(NaN); // true if the result array is fully populated.

        // Internal. Returns elevations for a grid assuming pixel-is-area.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.areaElevationsForGrid = function (sector, numLat, numLon, level, result) {
            var minLat = sector.minLatitude,
                maxLat = sector.maxLatitude,
                minLon = sector.minLongitude,
                maxLon = sector.maxLongitude,
                deltaLat = sector.deltaLatitude() / (numLat > 1 ? numLat - 1 : 1),
                deltaLon = sector.deltaLongitude() / (numLon > 1 ? numLon - 1 : 1),
                lat, lon, s, t,
                latIndex, lonIndex, resultIndex = 0;

            for (latIndex = 0, lat = minLat; latIndex < numLat; latIndex += 1, lat += deltaLat) {
                if (latIndex === numLat - 1) {
                    lat = maxLat; // explicitly set the last lat to the max latitude ensure alignment

                for (lonIndex = 0, lon = minLon; lonIndex < numLon; lonIndex += 1, lon += deltaLon) {
                    if (lonIndex === numLon - 1) {
                        lon = maxLon; // explicitly set the last lon to the max longitude ensure alignment

                    if (isNaN(result[resultIndex])) {
                        if (this.coverageSector.containsLocation(lat, lon)) { // ignore locations outside of the model
                            s = (lon + 180) / 360;
                            t = (lat + 90) / 180;
                            this.areaElevationForCoord(s, t, level.levelNumber, result, resultIndex);


            return !result.includes(NaN); // true if the result array is fully populated.

        // Internal. Returns an elevation for a location assuming pixel-is-area.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.areaElevationForCoord = function (s, t, levelNumber, result, resultIndex) {
            var level, levelWidth, levelHeight,
                tMin, tMax,
                vMin, vMax,
                u, v,
                x0, x1, y0, y1,
                xf, yf,
                pixels = new Float64Array(4);

            for (var i = levelNumber; i >= 0; i--) {
                level = this.levels.level(i);
                levelWidth = Math.round(level.tileWidth * 360 / level.tileDelta.longitude);
                levelHeight = Math.round(level.tileHeight * 180 / level.tileDelta.latitude);
                tMin = 1 / (2 * levelHeight);
                tMax = 1 - tMin;
                vMin = 0;
                vMax = levelHeight - 1;
                u = levelWidth * WWMath.fract(s); // wrap the horizontal coordinate
                v = levelHeight * WWMath.clamp(t, tMin, tMax); // clamp the vertical coordinate to the level edge
                x0 = WWMath.mod(Math.floor(u - 0.5), levelWidth);
                x1 = WWMath.mod((x0 + 1), levelWidth);
                y0 = WWMath.clamp(Math.floor(v - 0.5), vMin, vMax);
                y1 = WWMath.clamp(y0 + 1, vMin, vMax);
                xf = WWMath.fract(u - 0.5);
                yf = WWMath.fract(v - 0.5);
                retrieveTiles = (i == levelNumber) || (i == 0);

                if (this.lookupPixels(x0, x1, y0, y1, level, retrieveTiles, pixels)) {
                    if (ElevationImage.isNoData(pixels[0], pixels[1], pixels[2], pixels[3])) {
                        return false;
                    else {
                        result[resultIndex] = (1 - xf) * (1 - yf) * pixels[0] +
                            xf * (1 - yf) * pixels[1] +
                            (1 - xf) * yf * pixels[2] +
                            xf * yf * pixels[3];
                        return true;

            return false;

        // Internal. Bilinearly interpolates tile-image elevations.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.lookupPixels = function (x0, x1, y0, y1, level, retrieveTiles, result) {
            var levelNumber = level.levelNumber,
                tileWidth = level.tileWidth,
                tileHeight = level.tileHeight,
                row0 = Math.floor(y0 / tileHeight),
                row1 = Math.floor(y1 / tileHeight),
                col0 = Math.floor(x0 / tileWidth),
                col1 = Math.floor(x1 / tileWidth),
                r0c0, r0c1, r1c0, r1c1;

            if (row0 == row1 && row0 == this.cachedRow && col0 == col1 && col0 == this.cachedCol) {
                r0c0 = r0c1 = r1c0 = r1c1 = this.cachedImage; // use results from previous lookup
            } else if (row0 == row1 && col0 == col1) {
                r0c0 = this.lookupImage(levelNumber, row0, col0, retrieveTiles); // only need to lookup one image
                r0c1 = r1c0 = r1c1 = r0c0; // re-use the single image
                this.cachedRow = row0;
                this.cachedCol = col0;
                this.cachedImage = r0c0; // note the results for subsequent lookups
            } else {
                r0c0 = this.lookupImage(levelNumber, row0, col0, retrieveTiles);
                r0c1 = this.lookupImage(levelNumber, row0, col1, retrieveTiles);
                r1c0 = this.lookupImage(levelNumber, row1, col0, retrieveTiles);
                r1c1 = this.lookupImage(levelNumber, row1, col1, retrieveTiles);

            if (r0c0 && r0c1 && r1c0 && r1c1) {
                result[0] = r0c0.pixel(x0 % tileWidth, y0 % tileHeight);
                result[1] = r0c1.pixel(x1 % tileWidth, y0 % tileHeight);
                result[2] = r1c0.pixel(x0 % tileWidth, y1 % tileHeight);
                result[3] = r1c1.pixel(x1 % tileWidth, y1 % tileHeight);
                return true;

            return false;

        // Internal. Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.lookupImage = function (levelNumber, row, column, retrieveTiles) {
            var tileKey = Tile.computeTileKey(levelNumber, row, column),
                image = this.imageCache.entryForKey(tileKey);

            if (image == null && retrieveTiles) {
                var tile = this.tileForLevel(levelNumber, row, column);

            return image;

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.assembleTiles = function (level, sector, retrieveTiles) {
            this.currentTiles = [];

            // Intersect the requested sector with the coverage's coverage area. This avoids attempting to assemble tiles
            // that are outside the coverage area.

            if (this.currentSector.isEmpty())
                return; // sector is outside the coverage's coverage area

            var deltaLat = level.tileDelta.latitude,
                deltaLon = level.tileDelta.longitude,
                firstRow = Tile.computeRow(deltaLat, this.currentSector.minLatitude),
                lastRow = Tile.computeLastRow(deltaLat, this.currentSector.maxLatitude),
                firstCol = Tile.computeColumn(deltaLon, this.currentSector.minLongitude),
                lastCol = Tile.computeLastColumn(deltaLon, this.currentSector.maxLongitude);

            for (var row = firstRow; row <= lastRow; row++) {
                for (var col = firstCol; col <= lastCol; col++) {
                    this.addTileOrAncestor(level, row, col, retrieveTiles);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.addTileOrAncestor = function (level, row, column, retrieveTiles) {
            var tile = this.tileForLevel(level.levelNumber, row, column);

            if (this.isTileImageInMemory(tile)) {
            } else {
                if (retrieveTiles) {

                if (level.isFirstLevel()) {
                    this.currentTiles.push(tile); // no ancestor tile to add
                } else {
                    this.addAncestor(level, row, column, retrieveTiles);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.addAncestor = function (level, row, column, retrieveTiles) {
            var tile = null,
                r = Math.floor(row / 2),
                c = Math.floor(column / 2);

            for (var i = level.levelNumber - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                tile = this.tileForLevel(i, r, c);
                if (this.isTileImageInMemory(tile)) {

                r = Math.floor(r / 2);
                c = Math.floor(c / 2);

            // No ancestor tiles have an in-memory image. Retrieve the ancestor tile corresponding for the first level, and
            // add it. We add the necessary tiles to provide coverage over the requested sector in order to accurately return
            // whether or not this coverage has data for the entire sector.

            if (retrieveTiles) {

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.addToCurrentTiles = function (tile) {

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.tileForLevel = function (levelNumber, row, column) {
            var tileKey = Tile.computeTileKey(levelNumber, row, column),
                tile = this.tileCache.entryForKey(tileKey);

            if (tile) {
                return tile;

            var level = this.levels.level(levelNumber),
                sector = Tile.computeSector(level, row, column);

            tile = new Tile(sector, level, row, column);
            this.tileCache.putEntry(tileKey, tile, tile.size());

            return tile;

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.isTileImageInMemory = function (tile) {
            return this.imageCache.containsKey(tile.tileKey);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.resourceUrlForTile = function (tile) {
            return this.urlBuilder.urlForTile(tile, this.retrievalImageFormat);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.retrieveTileImage = function (tile) {
            if (this.currentRetrievals.indexOf(tile.tileKey) < 0) {

                if (this.currentRetrievals.length > this.retrievalQueueSize) {

                var url = this.resourceUrlForTile(tile, this.retrievalImageFormat),
                    xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
                    elevationCoverage = this;

                if (!url)

      "GET", url, true);
                xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
                xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
                    if (xhr.readyState === 4) {

                        var contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type");

                        if (xhr.status === 200) {
                            if (contentType === elevationCoverage.retrievalImageFormat
                                || contentType === "text/plain"
                                || contentType === "application/octet-stream") {
                                Logger.log(Logger.LEVEL_INFO, "Elevations retrieval succeeded: " + url);
                                elevationCoverage.loadElevationImage(tile, xhr);

                                // Send an event to request a redraw.
                                var e = document.createEvent('Event');
                                e.initEvent(WorldWind.REDRAW_EVENT_TYPE, true, true);
                            } else if (contentType === "text/xml") {
                                    "Elevations retrieval failed (" + xhr.statusText + "): " + url + ".\n "
                                    + String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(xhr.response)));
                            } else {
                                    "Elevations retrieval failed: " + url + ". " + "Unexpected content type "
                                    + contentType);
                        } else {
                                "Elevations retrieval failed (" + xhr.statusText + "): " + url);

                xhr.onerror = function () {
                    Logger.log(Logger.LEVEL_WARNING, "Elevations retrieval failed: " + url);

                xhr.ontimeout = function () {
                    Logger.log(Logger.LEVEL_WARNING, "Elevations retrieval timed out: " + url);



        // Intentionally not documented
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.removeFromCurrentRetrievals = function (tileKey) {
            var index = this.currentRetrievals.indexOf(tileKey);
            if (index > -1) {
                this.currentRetrievals.splice(index, 1);

        // Intentionally not documented.
        TiledElevationCoverage.prototype.loadElevationImage = function (tile, xhr) {
            var elevationImage = new ElevationImage(tile.sector, tile.tileWidth, tile.tileHeight),

            if (this.retrievalImageFormat === "application/bil16") {
                elevationImage.imageData = new Int16Array(xhr.response);
                elevationImage.size = elevationImage.imageData.length * 2;
            } else if (this.retrievalImageFormat === "application/bil32") {
                elevationImage.imageData = new Float32Array(xhr.response);
                elevationImage.size = elevationImage.imageData.length * 4;
            } else if (this.retrievalImageFormat === "image/tiff") {
                geoTiff = new GeoTiffReader(xhr.response);
                elevationImage.imageData = geoTiff.getImageData();
                elevationImage.size = elevationImage.imageData.length * geoTiff.metadata.bitsPerSample[0] / 8;

            if (elevationImage.imageData) {
                this.imageCache.putEntry(tile.tileKey, elevationImage, elevationImage.size);
                this.timestamp =;

        return TiledElevationCoverage;