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* PDF found in code directory.
], function(Attribute,
* Provides ways for transforming xml nodes to KML objects.
* @exports KmlNodeTransformers
var KmlNodeTransformers = function(){};
// Primitives
* Transforms node to its String value.
* @param node {Node} Node to transform
* @returns {String} Text representation of node value.
KmlNodeTransformers.string = function (node) {
return String(getTextOfNode(node));
* Transforms node to its Numeric value.
* @param node {Node} Node to transform
* @returns {Number} Numeric representation of node value.
KmlNodeTransformers.number = function (node) {
return Number(getTextOfNode(node));
* Transforms node to its boolean value.
* @param node {Node} Node to transform
* @returns {Boolean} Boolean representation of node value.
KmlNodeTransformers.boolean = function (node) {
return WWUtil.transformToBoolean(getTextOfNode(node));
* Transform node to the date
* @param node {Node} Node to transform
* @returns {Date} Date representing current node.
KmlNodeTransformers.date = function(node) {
return WWUtil.date(getTextOfNode(node));
* This function retrieves the current value for node.
* @param node {Node} Node for which we want to retrieve the value.
* @returns {String} Text value of the node.
function getTextOfNode(node) {
var result;
if (node != null && node.childNodes[0]) {
result = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
} else if (node != null) {
result = "";
return result;
// End of primitive transformers
* This function retrieves relevant KmlObject to the Node. If there is such element it returns created element,
* otherwise it returns null
* @param node {Node} Node to transform
* @param parent {KmlObject} Parent to current node.
* @param controls {Array} Array of controls.
* @returns {KmlObject|null} KmlObject representation for the node.
KmlNodeTransformers.kmlObject = function (node, parent, controls) {
var nameOfElement = node.nodeName;
var constructor = KmlElements.getKey(nameOfElement);
if (!constructor) {
return null;
return new constructor({objectNode: node, parent: parent, controls: controls});
* It takes the node and transforms it to the LinearRing this was created to solve the mismatch between name of the
* element and type of the element.
* @param node {Node} Node to transform
* @param parent {KmlObject} Parent to current node.
* @param controls {Array} Array of controls.
* @returns {KmlLinearRing} Transformed Linear Ring.
KmlNodeTransformers.linearRing = function(node, parent, controls) {
var constructor = KmlElements.getKey("LinearRing");
if (!constructor) {
return null;
var linearRingNode = null;
Array.prototype.forEach.call(node.childNodes, function(pNode){
if(pNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "LinearRing".toUpperCase()) {
linearRingNode = pNode;
return new constructor({objectNode: linearRingNode, parent: parent, controls: controls});
* It takes the node and returns al positions included in it.
* @param node {Node} Node to transform
* @returns {Position[]} All included positions. Positions are separated by space.
KmlNodeTransformers.positions = function(node) {
var positions = [];
var coordinates = getTextOfNode(node).trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' ');
coordinates.forEach(function (pCoordinates) {
pCoordinates = pCoordinates.split(',');
positions.push(new Position(Number(pCoordinates[1]), Number(pCoordinates[0]), Number(pCoordinates[2] || 0)));
return positions;
* This transforming function works with attributes.
* @param name {String} Name of the attribute to retrieve.
* @returns {Function} Transformer function.
KmlNodeTransformers.attribute = function(name) {
return function(node) {
return new Attribute(node, name).value();
return KmlNodeTransformers;