Package | Description |
gov.nasa.worldwind.ogc.kml.impl | |
gov.nasa.worldwind.render | |
gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology |
Provides classes for creating and displaying graphics from standard symbol sets.
gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525 |
Tactical graphics and symbols defined by the MIL-STD-2525 symbology set.
| | | |
MIL-STD-2525 area graphics.
| |
MIL-STD-2525 line graphics.
gov.nasa.worldwind.util.layertree |
Displays a list of layers using
BasicTree . |
gov.nasa.worldwind.util.tree |
A tree control drawn in the world window.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
KMLExportUtil.exportOffset(XMLStreamWriter xmlWriter,
Offset offset,
String tagName)
Export an
Offset as a KML element. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Offset |
static Offset |
Offset.CENTER |
static Offset |
The image offset to use if none specified.
static Offset |
The default label offset.
protected static Offset |
The label offset to use if none is specified but an image has been specified.
static Offset |
Default offset.
protected Offset |
PointPlacemarkAttributes.imageOffset |
protected Offset |
ScreenImage.imageOffset |
protected Offset |
PointPlacemarkAttributes.labelOffset |
static Offset |
protected Offset |
Offset that specifies where to place the text in relation to it's geographic position.
protected Offset |
Indicates the location at which the balloon's lower left corner is aligned.
protected Offset |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.BrowserControl.offset |
static Offset |
protected Offset |
ScreenImage.rotationOffset |
protected Offset |
ScreenImage.screenOffset |
static Offset |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Offset |
Offset.fromFraction(double xFraction,
double yFraction)
Creates a new offset from explicit fraction coordinates.
Offset |
Returns the image offset.
Offset |
Get the offset of the point on the image to align with the screen offset point.
Offset |
Returns the label offset.
Offset |
Returns the text offset.
Offset |
Indicates the location relative to the balloon's screen reference point at which the balloon's frame shape is
Offset |
Indicates the location relative to the balloon's screen reference point at which the balloon's frame shape is
Offset |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.BrowserControl.getOffset() |
Offset |
Get the point about which the image is rotated.
Offset |
Get the offset of the point on the screen to align with the image offset point.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.BrowserControl |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.addBrowserControl(String action,
Offset offset,
Object imageSource) |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.BrowserControl |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.addBrowserControl(String action,
Offset offset,
Size size,
Object imageSource) |
void |
PointPlacemarkAttributes.setImageOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies a location within the placemark image to align with the placemark point.
void |
ScreenImage.setImageOffset(Offset imageOffset)
Set the image offset point.
void |
PointPlacemarkAttributes.setLabelOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies a location relative to the placemark's image at which to align the label.
void |
SurfaceText.setOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies a location relative to the label position at which to align the label.
void |
BalloonAttributes.setOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies a location relative to the balloon's screen reference point at which to align the balloon's frame
void |
BasicBalloonAttributes.setOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies a location relative to the balloon's screen reference point at which to align the balloon's frame
void |
AbstractBrowserBalloon.BrowserControl.setOffset(Offset offset) |
void |
ScreenImage.setRotationOffset(Offset rotationOffset)
Set the point on the image about which rotation is performed.
void |
ScreenImage.setScreenOffset(Offset screenOffset)
Set the offset of the image relative to the viewport.
Constructor and Description |
BrowserControl(String action,
Offset offset,
Object imageSource) |
BrowserControl(String action,
Offset offset,
Size size,
Object imageSource) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Offset |
Default offset.
protected Offset |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.iconOffset |
protected Offset |
Offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
Offset from the geographic position at which to draw the label.
protected Offset |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.offset |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
Offset |
Indicates an offset used to position the graphic's main label relative to the label's geographic position.
Offset |
Indicates an offset used to position the graphic's main label relative to the label's geographic position.
Offset |
Indicates the offset from the geographic position at which to draw the label.
Offset |
Indicates a location within the symbol to align with the symbol point.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addGlyph(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
String modifierCode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addGlyph(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
String modifierCode,
AVList retrieverParams,
Object layoutMode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addLabel(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
String modifierText,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addLabel(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
String modifierText,
Font font,
Color color,
Object layoutMode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addLine(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
List<? extends Point2D> points,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.addLine(DrawContext dc,
Offset offset,
List<? extends Point2D> points,
Object layoutMode,
int numPointsInLayout,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected Rectangle |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.layoutLabelRect(Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
Dimension size,
Object layoutMode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym)
Layout a label rectangle relative to the current layout.
protected List<? extends Point2D> |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.layoutPoints(Offset offset,
List<? extends Point2D> points,
Object layoutMode,
int numPointsInLayout,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym) |
protected Rectangle |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.layoutRect(Offset offset,
Offset hotspot,
Dimension size,
Object layoutMode,
AbstractTacticalSymbol.OrderedSymbol osym)
Layout a rectangle relative to the current layout.
void |
TacticalGraphic.setLabelOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies an offset used to position this graphic's main label relative to the label's geographic position.
void |
AbstractTacticalGraphic.setLabelOffset(Offset labelOffset)
Specifies an offset used to position this graphic's main label relative to the label's geographic position.
void |
TacticalGraphicLabel.setOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies the offset from the geographic position at which to draw the label.
void |
AbstractTacticalSymbol.setOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies a location within the tactical symbol to align with the symbol point.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
MilStd2525Util.ARCH_UP_OFFSET |
protected static Offset |
MilStd2525Util.CIRCLE_OFFSET |
protected static Offset |
MilStd2525Util.CLOVER_C2_HQ_OFFSET |
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
MilStd2525Util.CLOVER_OFFSET |
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
MilStd2525Util.HAT_DOWN_OFFSET |
protected static Offset |
MilStd2525Util.HAT_UP_OFFSET |
Offset |
MilStd2525Util.SymbolInfo.iconOffset |
Offset |
MilStd2525Util.SymbolInfo.offset |
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
MilStd2525Util.SQUARE_C2_HQ_OFFSET |
protected static Offset |
MilStd2525Util.SQUARE_OFFSET |
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
MilStd2525Util.TENT_UP_OFFSET |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Offset |
Indicates an offset used to position the graphic's main label relative to the label's geographic position.
Offset |
Indicates a location within the symbol to align with the symbol point.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MilStd2525PointGraphic.setLabelOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies an offset used to position this graphic's main label relative to the label's geographic position.
void |
MilStd2525PointGraphic.setOffset(Offset offset)
Specifies a location within the tactical symbol to align with the symbol point.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
Offset to align the center of the graphic with the geographic position.
protected static Offset |
EchelonSymbol.DEFAULT_OFFSET |
Offset |
TacticalGraphicSymbol.OffsetPair.hotSpot |
Offset |
TacticalGraphicSymbol.OffsetPair.offset |
static Offset |
Offset to align a point 25% up from the bottom edge with the geographic position.
static Offset |
Offset for the Drop Point graphic (2.X.
static Offset |
Offset for the Antipersonnel (AP) Mines graphic (2.X.
static Offset |
Offset for the Antitank Mine with Anti-handling Device graphic (2.X.
static Offset |
Offset for the Wide Area Mines graphic (2.X.
static Offset |
Offset for the Sea Mine-Like Hazard graphic (2.X.6.2.1).
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Map<String,Offset> |
Map to store defaults.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Offset |
DefaultOffsets.get(String sidc)
Determine the default offset for a graphic.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TacticalGraphicSymbol.LabelLayout.add(Offset offset,
Offset hotspot) |
protected void |
DefaultLabelLayouts.addLayout(List<TacticalGraphicSymbol.LabelLayout> layoutList,
String key,
Offset... offsets)
Add a layout to a layout map, possibly replacing an existing layout.
protected List<TacticalGraphicSymbol.LabelLayout> |
DefaultLabelLayouts.createLayout(String key,
Offset offset,
Offset hotspot)
Create a simple layout map and populate it with one key value pair.
protected void |
DefaultOffsets.putAll(Offset value,
String... keys)
Map one value to many keys.
Constructor and Description |
OffsetPair(Offset offset,
Offset hotSpot) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Offset |
Default offset to apply to the label.
protected static Offset |
CircularRangeFan.LABEL_OFFSET |
protected static Offset |
Center text block on label position.
protected static Offset |
Center text block on label position when the text is left aligned.
protected static Offset |
Center text block on label position when the text is left aligned.
protected static Offset |
Center text block on label position when the text is left aligned.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
AviationZone.getDefaultLabelOffset() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static Offset |
Offset applied to the graphic's lower label.
protected static Offset |
Offset applied to the graphic's lower label.
protected static Offset |
Offset applied to the graphic's lower label.
protected static Offset |
protected static Offset |
Offset applied to the label.
protected static Offset |
ForwardEdgeOfBattleArea.LEFT_CENTER |
protected static Offset |
ForwardEdgeOfBattleArea.RIGHT_CENTER |
protected static Offset |
Offset applied to the graphic's upper label.
protected static Offset |
Offset applied to the graphic's upper label.
protected static Offset |
Offset applied to the graphic's upper label.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Offset |
Indicates the offset applied to the lower label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the offset applied to the lower label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the offset applied to the lower label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
Route.getDefaultLabelOffset() |
protected Offset |
Indicates the default offset applied to the graphic's main label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the offset applied to the upper label.
protected Offset |
Indicates the offset applied to the upper label.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static Offset |
The default screen location: 20x140 pixels from the upper left screen corner.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected TreeLayout |
LayerTree.createTreeLayout(Offset offset)
Returns a new
TreeLayout suitable for displaying the layer tree on a WorldWindow . |
protected void |
LayerTree.initialize(LayerTreeModel model,
Offset offset)
Initializes this tree with the specified
model and offset . |
Constructor and Description |
LayerTree(LayerTreeModel model,
Offset offset)
Creates a new
LayerTree with the specified model and the specified screen location. |
LayerTree(Offset offset)
Creates a new
LayerTree with an empty LayerTreeModel and the specified screen
location. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Offset |
Indicates the location of the upper left corner of the frame.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Offset |
Get the location of the upper left corner of the tree, measured in screen coordinates with the origin at the
upper left corner of the screen.
Offset |
Get the location of the upper left corner of the tree, measured in screen coordinates with the origin at the
upper left corner of the screen.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BasicTreeLayout.setScreenLocation(Offset screenLocation)
Set the location of the upper left corner of the tree, measured in screen coordinates with the origin at the
upper left corner of the screen.
void |
ScrollFrame.setScreenLocation(Offset screenLocation)
Set the location of the upper left corner of the tree, measured in screen coordinates with the origin at the
upper left corner of the screen.
Constructor and Description |
BasicTreeLayout(Tree tree,
Offset screenLocation)
Create a layout for a tree, at a screen location.
ScrollFrame(Offset screenLocation)
Create a scroll positioned with an Offset.