Class KMLApplicationController

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    SelectListener, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener, java.util.EventListener

    public class KMLApplicationController
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements SelectListener, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
    A controller that maps KML events to changes in a WorldWind application. This controller animates the view to a KML feature when the feature is clicked in the feature tree, and animates the view to KML network links when they are refreshed.

    This controller may optionally be associated with a BalloonController. If a BalloonController is set, this controller will open the description balloon for a KML feature when the feature is clicked in the feature tree.

    • Field Detail

      • wwd

        protected WorldWindow wwd
        Indicates the WorldWindow this controller listens to for select events and property change events. Initialized during construction.
      • highlightedNode

        protected TreeNode highlightedNode
        Indicates the TreeNode currently under the cursor. Initially null.
      • balloonController

        protected BalloonController balloonController
        Controller to open balloons when KML features are selected.
    • Constructor Detail

      • KMLApplicationController

        public KMLApplicationController​(WorldWindow wwd)
        Creates a new KMLApplicationController with the specified WorldWindow. The new KMLApplicationController listens KML tree node select events, and KMLNetworkLink refresh property change events.
        wwd - the WorldWindow this listens to, and who's View is moved upon a refresh event.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the wwd is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getBalloonController

        public BalloonController getBalloonController()
        Indicates the BalloonController associated with this controller. The BalloonController is used to open balloons for KML features when the feature is selected.
        Active BalloonController. May return null if no BalloonController is set.
      • setBalloonController

        public void setBalloonController​(BalloonController balloonController)
        Specifies a BalloonController that this controller can use to open balloons when KML features are selected.
        balloonController - New BalloonController. May be null to unset the balloon controller.
      • selected

        public void selected​(SelectEvent event)
        Animate the globe to a KML feature when the feature is clicked in the tree.
        Specified by:
        selected in interface SelectListener
        event - Select event.
      • propertyChange

        public void propertyChange​(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent event)
        Handles property change events sent from KMLNetworkLink objects to the SceneController. Upon receiving a AVKey.RETRIEVAL_STATE_SUCCESSFUL event from a KMLNetworkLink, this attempts to fly to a KMLAbstractView associated with the link's KML resource.

        If the KMLNetworkLink's flyToView property is 0 or false, this ignores the event. Otherwise, this attempts to get a KMLAbstractView from features in the link's KML resource as follows:

        1. NetworkLinkControl child of link's KML resource.
        2. AbstractFeature child of link's KML resource.
        If neither of the above features contain a view, this ignores the event. Otherwise, this causes the WorldWindow's View to fly to the feature's KMLAbstractView using a KMLViewController
        Specified by:
        propertyChange in interface java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
        event - a property change event from the SceneController.
      • onNetworkLinkRefreshed

        protected void onNetworkLinkRefreshed​(KMLNetworkLink networkLink)
        Called from propertyChange when a KMLNetworkLink sends a AVKey.RETRIEVAL_STATE_SUCCESSFUL property change event. This attempts to fly to a view associated with the link's KML resource.

        This does nothing if the networkLink is null.

        networkLink - the KMLNetworkLink that has been refreshed.
      • onFeatureSelected

        protected void onFeatureSelected​(KMLAbstractFeature feature)
        Invoked when a feature is selected in the KML feature tree. This implementation animates the view to look at the feature, and opens the feature's balloon.
        feature - Feature that was selected.
      • moveTo

        protected void moveTo​(KMLAbstractFeature feature)
        Smoothly moves the WorldWindow's View to the specified KMLAbstractFeature.
        feature - the KMLAbstractFeature to move to.
      • moveTo

        protected void moveTo​(KMLAbstractView view)
        Smoothly moves the WorldWindow's View to the specified KMLAbstractView.
        view - the KMLAbstractView to move to.
      • setCursor

        protected void setCursor​(java.awt.Cursor cursor)
        Set the mouse cursor.
        cursor - New cursor. Pass null to reset the default cursor.
      • canSelect

        protected boolean canSelect​(KMLAbstractFeature feature)
        Determines if there is a some action (fly to and/or open description balloon) to take when the user selects a KML feature in the tree. The controller displays a hand cursor when the mouse is over a feature if the feature can be flown to, or if the has a balloon that can be opened.
        feature - KML feature to test.
        true if the controller can either animate the view or open a balloon for the feature.
      • canMoveTo

        protected boolean canMoveTo​(KMLAbstractFeature feature)
        Determines if the view can be moved to look at a KML feature.
        feature - KML feature to test.
        true if the feature has a view associated with it. This can be an explicit Camera or LookAt, or a default view for a geographic feature. Not all features have a default view. For example, features attached to screen (ScreenOverlay) and container features (Document and Folder) do not have default views.
      • canShowBalloon

        protected boolean canShowBalloon​(KMLAbstractFeature feature)
        Determines if a balloon can be opened for a KML feature.
        feature - KML feature to test.
        true if the feature has a balloon.