Class BasicTreeLayout

    • Field Detail

      • tree

        protected Tree tree
        Tree that is drawn by this layout.
      • frame

        protected ScrollFrame frame
        Frame that contains the tree.
      • normalAttributes

        protected TreeAttributes normalAttributes
        Attributes to use when the tree is not highlighted.
      • highlightAttributes

        protected TreeAttributes highlightAttributes
        Attributes to use when the frame is highlighted.
      • activeAttributes

        protected TreeAttributes activeAttributes
        Active attributes, either normal or highlight.
      • defaultAttributes

        protected static final TreeAttributes defaultAttributes
        The attributes used if attributes are not specified.
      • highlighted

        protected boolean highlighted
        Indicates whether or not the tree is highlighted.
      • pickSupport

        protected PickSupport pickSupport
        Support for setting up and restoring picking state, and resolving the picked object.
      • size

        protected java.awt.Dimension size
        Cache the rendered size of the tree and recompute when the tree changes.
      • mustRecomputeSize

        protected boolean mustRecomputeSize
        Indicates that the tree size needs to be computed.
      • mustRecomputeLayout

        protected boolean mustRecomputeLayout
        Indicates that the tree layout needs to be computed.
      • showDescription

        protected boolean showDescription
        Indicates that node description text must be drawn.
      • drawNodeStateSymbol

        protected boolean drawNodeStateSymbol
        Indicates that a triangle must be drawn to indicate if a group node is expanded or collapsed.
      • drawSelectedSymbol

        protected boolean drawSelectedSymbol
        Indicates that a checkbox must be drawn for each node to indicate if the node is selected or not.
      • wrapText

        protected boolean wrapText
        Indicates whether or not the description text will be wrapped to fit the frame.
      • maxWrappedLines

        protected int maxWrappedLines
        Maximum number of lines of wrapped description text to draw. If the description exceeds this it will be cut off at this number of lines, with a trailing "...".
      • treeNodes

        protected java.util.List<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> treeNodes
        Cache of node layouts. This list is populated when the tree layout is computed.
      • padding

        protected int padding
        A little extra space is added to the tree dimensions to give the tree a little bit of separation from the scrollable frame. This value determines the amount of padding, in pixels.
      • frameNumber

        protected long frameNumber
      • attributesFrameNumber

        protected long attributesFrameNumber
      • screenLocation

        protected java.awt.Point screenLocation
        Location of the lower left corner of the tree, in GL coordinates.
      • updateTime

        protected long updateTime
        Time at which the rendered tree last changed. Used to indicate when the ScrollFrame needs to refresh the rendered representation
      • previousFrameSize

        protected java.awt.Dimension previousFrameSize
        Frame size when the tree layout was last computed.
      • previousSizeBounds

        protected java.awt.Dimension previousSizeBounds
        Frame size when the tree size was last computed.
      • lineHeight

        protected int lineHeight
        The height of one line of text in the active font.
      • nodeCount

        protected int nodeCount
        Number of nodes in the tree, used to set a bound on the text cache.
      • indent

        protected int indent
        Indentation in pixels applied to each new level of the tree.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicTreeLayout

        public BasicTreeLayout​(Tree tree)
        Create a layout for a tree.
        tree - Tree to create layout for.
      • BasicTreeLayout

        public BasicTreeLayout​(Tree tree,
                               int x,
                               int y)
        Create a layout for a tree, at a screen location.
        tree - Tree to create layout for.
        x - X coordinate of the upper left corner of the tree frame.
        y - Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the tree frame, measured from the top of the screen.
      • BasicTreeLayout

        public BasicTreeLayout​(Tree tree,
                               Offset screenLocation)
        Create a layout for a tree, at a screen location.
        tree - Tree to create layout for.
        screenLocation - The location of the upper left corner of the tree frame. The offset is interpreted relative to the lower left corner of the screen.
    • Method Detail

      • isWrapText

        public boolean isWrapText()
        Indicates whether or not the layout wraps the node description to multiple lines. Note that the node title is never wrapped, only the description.
        true if the description will be wrapped to fit the frame.
      • setWrapText

        public void setWrapText​(boolean wrapText)
        Specifies whether or not the layout wraps the node description to multiple lines. Note that the node title is never wrapped, only the description.
        wrapText - true if the description text must be wrapped to fit the frame.
      • getNodeStateSymbolSize

        protected java.awt.Dimension getNodeStateSymbolSize()
        Get the size of the symbol that indicates that a node is expanded or collapsed.
        The size of the node state symbol.
      • getSelectedSymbolSize

        protected java.awt.Dimension getSelectedSymbolSize()
        Get the size of the symbol that indicates that a node is selected or not selected.
        The size of the node selection symbol.
      • isShowDescription

        public boolean isShowDescription()
        Should the node renderer include node descriptions?
        True if the renderer should renderer node descriptions.
      • setShowDescription

        public void setShowDescription​(boolean showDescription)
        Set the renderer to renderer node descriptions (additional text rendered under the node title).
        showDescription - True if the description should be rendered. False if only the icon and title should be rendered.
      • isDrawSelectedSymbol

        public boolean isDrawSelectedSymbol()
        Will the renderer draw a symbol to indicate that the node is selected? The default symbol is a checkbox.
        True if the node selected symbol (a checkbox by default) will be drawn.
      • setDrawSelectedSymbol

        public void setDrawSelectedSymbol​(boolean drawSelectedSymbol)
        Set whether or not the renderer will draw a symbol to indicate that the node is selected. The default symbol is a checkbox.
        drawSelectedSymbol - True if the node selected symbol (a checkbox by default) will be drawn.
      • isDrawNodeStateSymbol

        public boolean isDrawNodeStateSymbol()
        Will the renderer draw a symbol to indicate that the node is expanded or collapsed (applies only to non-leaf nodes). The default symbol is a triangle pointing to the right, for collapsed nodes, or down for expanded nodes.
        True if the node state symbol (default is a triangle pointing either to the right or down) will be drawn.
      • getMaxWrappedLines

        public int getMaxWrappedLines()
        Specifies the maximum number of lines of text wrapped description text to draw. If the description exceeds this number of lines it will be cut off with a trailing "...".
        Maximum number of lines of description text that will be drawn.
      • setMaxWrappedLines

        public void setMaxWrappedLines​(int maxLines)
        Indicates the maximum number of lines of text wrapped description text to draw. If the description exceeds this number of lines it will be cut off with a trailing "...".
        maxLines - Maximum number of lines of description text that will be drawn.
      • setDrawNodeStateSymbol

        public void setDrawNodeStateSymbol​(boolean drawNodeStateSymbol)
        Set whether or not the renderer will draw a symbol to indicate that the node is expanded or collapsed (applies only to non-leaf nodes). The default symbol is a triangle pointing to the right, for collapsed nodes, or down for expanded nodes.
        drawNodeStateSymbol - True if the node state symbol (default is a triangle pointing either to the right or down) will be drawn.
      • getUpdateTime

        public long getUpdateTime()
        Get the time in milliseconds since the Epoch at which the Scrollable contents last changed. ScrollFrame uses this timestamp to determine if the contents have updated since they were last rendered. Only events that might cause a change in the rendered content should change the update time.
        Specified by:
        getUpdateTime in interface Scrollable
        Time at which the contents were last updated.
      • createFrame

        protected ScrollFrame createFrame()
        Create the frame that the tree will be rendered inside.
        A new frame.
      • getSize

        public java.awt.Dimension getSize​(DrawContext dc,
                                          java.awt.Dimension frameSize)
        Get the size of the entire tree, including the part that is not visible in the scroll pane.
        Specified by:
        getSize in interface Scrollable
        dc - Draw context.
        frameSize - Size of the frame the tree will be rendered into. May be null.
        Size of the rendered tree.
      • computeSize

        protected void computeSize​(Tree tree,
                                   TreeNode root,
                                   DrawContext dc,
                                   java.awt.Dimension frameSize,
                                   java.awt.Dimension size,
                                   int x,
                                   int level)
        Compute the size of a tree. This method invokes itself recursively to calculate the size of the tree, taking into account which nodes are expanded and which are not. This computed size will be stored in the size parameter.
        tree - Tree that contains the root node.
        root - Root node of the subtree to find the size of. This does not need to be the root node of the tree.
        dc - Draw context.
        frameSize - Size of the frame into which the tree will render.
        size - Size object to modify. This method will change the width and height fields of size to hold the new size of the tree.
        x - Horizontal coordinate of the start of this node. This parameter must be zero. This method calls itself recursively and changes the x parameter to reflect the indentation level of different levels of the tree.
        level - Level of this node. Tree root node is level 1, children of the root are level 2, etc.
      • invalidate

        public void invalidate()
        Force the layout to recompute the size of the tree.
      • markUpdated

        protected void markUpdated()
        Set the updateTime to the current system time, marking the Scrollable contents as updated.
      • mustDisplayNode

        protected boolean mustDisplayNode​(TreeNode node,
                                          int level)
        Determine if a node needs to be displayed. This method examines only one node at a time. It does not take into account that the node's parent may be in the collapsed state, in which the children are not rendered.
        node - Node to test.
        level - Level of the node in the tree. The root node is level 1, its children are level 2, etc.
        True if the node must be displayed.
      • scrollToNode

        protected void scrollToNode​(DrawContext dc)
        Scroll the frame to make a the node set in scrollToNode node visible. Does nothing if scrollToNode is null.
        dc - Draw context.
      • renderScrollable

        public void renderScrollable​(DrawContext dc,
                                     java.awt.Point location,
                                     java.awt.Dimension frameSize,
                                     java.awt.Rectangle clipBounds)
        Render the scrollable component. The component should render itself with the lower left corner of the content located at the rectangle specified by bounds. Note that some of the content may be clipped by the scroll frame.
        Specified by:
        renderScrollable in interface Scrollable
        dc - Draw context.
        location - Point at which to draw the Scrollable contents. This point indicates the location of the lower left corner of the content, in GL screen coordinates (origin at lower left corner of the screen).
        frameSize - Size of the frame that will hold the content.
        clipBounds - Bounds of the clip rectangle. Any pixels outside of this box will be discarded, and do not need to be drawn. The rectangle is specified in GL screen coordinates.
      • mustRecomputeTreeLayout

        protected boolean mustRecomputeTreeLayout​(java.awt.Dimension frameSize)
        Indicates whether or not the tree layout needs to be recomputed.
        frameSize - Size of the frame that holds the tree.
        true if the layout needs to be recomputed, otherwise false.
      • mustRecomputeSize

        protected boolean mustRecomputeSize​(java.awt.Dimension frameSize)
        Indicates whether or not the tree size needs to be recomputed.
        frameSize - Size of the frame that holds the tree. Size may be null if the frame size is not known.
        true if the size needs to be recomputed, otherwise false.
      • updateAttributes

        protected void updateAttributes​(DrawContext dc)
        Update the active attributes for the current frame, and compute other properties that are based on the active attributes. This method only computes attributes once for each frame. Subsequent calls in the same frame will not recompute the attributes.
        dc - Current draw context.
      • computeIndentation

        protected int computeIndentation()
        Compute the indentation, in pixels, applied to each new level of the tree.
        indention (in pixels) to apply to each new level in the tree.
      • computeMaxTextHeight

        protected int computeMaxTextHeight​(DrawContext dc)
        Determine the maximum height of a line of text using the active font.
        dc - Current draw context.
        The maximum height of a line of text.
      • renderNodes

        protected void renderNodes​(DrawContext dc,
                                   java.awt.Point drawPoint,
                                   java.lang.Iterable<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes,
                                   java.awt.Rectangle clipBounds)
        Render a list of tree nodes.
        dc - Current draw context.
        drawPoint - Point in GL coordinates (origin bottom left corner of the screen) that locates the bottom left corner of the tree.
        nodes - Nodes to draw.
        clipBounds - Pixels outside of this rectangle will be discarded. Any nodes that do not intersect this rectangle will not be drawn.
      • intersectsFrustum

        protected boolean intersectsFrustum​(DrawContext dc,
                                            BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout layout,
                                            java.awt.Rectangle scrollBounds)
        Determines whether a node intersects the view frustum.
        dc - the current draw context.
        layout - node to test intersection of.
        scrollBounds - bounds of the area currently visible in the scroll frame.
        true If the frame intersects the frustum, otherwise false.
      • pickTextAndIcon

        protected void pickTextAndIcon​(DrawContext dc,
                                       java.lang.Iterable<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes)
        Draw pick rectangles over the icon and text areas the visible nodes.
        dc - Current draw context.
        nodes - Visible nodes.
      • drawText

        protected void drawText​(DrawContext dc,
                                java.lang.Iterable<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes)
        Draw the main line of text for a list of tree nodes.
        dc - Current draw context.
        nodes - List of visible nodes.
      • drawDescriptionText

        protected void drawDescriptionText​(DrawContext dc,
                                           java.lang.Iterable<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes)
        Draw the description text for tree nodes. The description text is drawn under the main line of text.
        dc - Current draw context.
        nodes - List of visible nodes.
      • drawIcons

        protected void drawIcons​(DrawContext dc,
                                 java.lang.Iterable<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes)
        Draw icons for a tree nodes.
        dc - Current draw context.
        nodes - List of visible nodes.
      • drawCheckboxes

        protected void drawCheckboxes​(DrawContext dc,
                                      java.lang.Iterable<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes)
        Draw check boxes. Each box includes a check mark is the node is selected, or is filled with a gradient if the node is partially selected.
        dc - Current draw context.
        nodes - List of visible nodes.
      • drawFilledCheckboxes

        protected void drawFilledCheckboxes​(DrawContext dc,
                                            java.lang.Iterable<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes)
        Draw squares filled with a gradient for partially selected checkboxes.
        dc - Current draw context.
        nodes - List of visible nodes.
      • drawCheckmarks

        protected void drawCheckmarks​(DrawContext dc,
                                      java.lang.Iterable<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes)
        Draw checkmark symbols in the selected checkboxes.
        dc - Current draw context.
        nodes - List of visible nodes.
      • drawTriangles

        protected void drawTriangles​(DrawContext dc,
                                     java.lang.Iterable<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes)
        Draw triangles to indicate that the nodes are expanded or collapsed.
        dc - Current draw context.
        nodes - Visible nodes.
      • computeTreeLayout

        protected void computeTreeLayout​(TreeNode root,
                                         DrawContext dc,
                                         java.awt.Dimension frameSize,
                                         java.awt.Point location,
                                         int level,
                                         java.util.List<BasicTreeLayout.NodeLayout> nodes)
        Determine the tree layout. This method determines which nodes are visible, and where they will be drawn.
        root - Root node of the subtree to render.
        dc - Draw context.
        frameSize - Size of the frame into which the tree will render.
        location - Location at which to draw the node. The location specifies the upper left corner of the subtree.
        level - The level of this node in the tree. The root node is at level 1, its child nodes are at level 2, etc.
        nodes - List to collect nodes that are currently visible. This method adds nodes to this list.
      • findNodeBounds

        protected java.awt.Rectangle findNodeBounds​(TreeNode needle,
                                                    TreeNode haystack,
                                                    DrawContext dc,
                                                    java.awt.Dimension frameSize,
                                                    java.awt.Point location,
                                                    int level)
        Find the bounds of a node in the tree.
        needle - The node to find.
        haystack - Root node of the subtree to search.
        dc - Draw context.
        frameSize - Size of the frame into which the tree is rendered.
        location - Point in OpenGL screen coordinates (origin lower left corner) that defines the upper left corner of the subtree.
        level - Level of this subtree in the tree. The root node is level 1, its children are level 2, etc.
        Bounds of the node needle.
      • makeVisible

        public void makeVisible​(TreePath path)
        Make a node in the tree visible in the rendered tree. For example, scroll the tree viewport so that a path is visible.
        Specified by:
        makeVisible in interface TreeLayout
        path - Path to make visible.
      • getScreenLocation

        public Offset getScreenLocation()
        Get the location of the upper left corner of the tree, measured in screen coordinates with the origin at the upper left corner of the screen.
        Screen location, measured in pixels from the upper left corner of the screen.
      • setScreenLocation

        public void setScreenLocation​(Offset screenLocation)
        Set the location of the upper left corner of the tree, measured in screen coordinates with the origin at the upper left corner of the screen.
        screenLocation - New screen location.
      • getHighlightAttributes

        public TreeAttributes getHighlightAttributes()
        Get the attributes to apply when the tree is highlighted.
        Attributes to use when tree is highlighted.
      • setHighlightAttributes

        public void setHighlightAttributes​(TreeAttributes attributes)
        Set the attributes to use when the tree is highlighted.
        attributes - New highlight attributes.
      • getActiveAttributes

        protected TreeAttributes getActiveAttributes()
        Get the active attributes, based on the highlight state.
        Highlight attributes if the tree is highlighted. Otherwise, the normal attributes.
      • determineActiveAttributes

        protected void determineActiveAttributes()
        Determines which attributes -- normal, highlight or default -- to use each frame.
      • isHighlighted

        public boolean isHighlighted()
        Is the tree highlighted? The tree is highlighted when the mouse is within the bounds of the containing frame.
        True if the tree is highlighted.
      • setHighlighted

        public void setHighlighted​(boolean highlighted)
        Set the tree layout to highlighted or not highlighted.
        Specified by:
        setHighlighted in interface Scrollable
        highlighted - True if the tree should be highlighted.
      • getFrame

        public ScrollFrame getFrame()
        Get the frame that surrounds the tree.
        The frame that the tree is drawn on.
      • getNodeSize

        public java.awt.Dimension getNodeSize​(DrawContext dc,
                                              java.awt.Dimension frameSize,
                                              int x,
                                              TreeNode node,
                                              TreeAttributes attributes)
        Compute the size of a node.
        dc - Current draw context.
        frameSize - Size of the frame into which the tree is rendered.
        x - Offset in pixels from the left side of the screen to the left most part of the node.
        node - Node for which to compute bounds.
        attributes - Attributes to use for bounds calculation.
        The dimensions of the node.
      • estimateWrappedTextLines

        protected int estimateWrappedTextLines​(DrawContext dc,
                                               java.lang.String text,
                                               java.awt.Font font,
                                               int frameWidth)
      • computeWrappedText

        protected java.lang.String computeWrappedText​(DrawContext dc,
                                                      TreeNode node,
                                                      java.awt.Font font,
                                                      int width)
        Get the wrapped description text for a node. The wrapped text will be cached in the layoutCache.
        dc - Current draw context.
        node - Node for which to get wrapped text.
        font - Font to use for the description.
        width - Width to which to wrap text.
        The wrapped text as a String. The string will contain newline characters to delimit the lines of wrapped text.
      • invalidateWrappedText

        protected void invalidateWrappedText()
        Invalidate the computed wrapped text, forcing the text wrap to be recomputed.
      • createTogglePathControl

        protected HotSpot createTogglePathControl​(Tree tree,
                                                  TreeNode node)
        Create a pickable object to represent a toggle control in the tree. The toggle control will expand or collapse a node in response to user input.
        tree - Tree that contains the node.
        node - The node to expand or collapse.
        A TreeHotSpot that will be added as a pickable object to the screen area occupied by the toggle control.
      • createSelectControl

        protected HotSpot createSelectControl​(TreeNode node)
        Create a pickable object to represent selection control in the tree. The selection control will select or deselect a node in response to user input. The returned HotSpot calls toggleNodeSelection(TreeNode) upon a left-click select event.
        node - The node to expand or collapse.
        A TreeHotSpot that will be added as a pickable object to the screen area occupied by the toggle control.
      • getTextBounds

        protected java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getTextBounds​(DrawContext dc,
                                                          java.lang.String text,
                                                          java.awt.Font font)
        Get the bounds of a text string. This method consults the text bound cache. If the bounds of the input string are not already cached, they will be computed and added to the cache.
        dc - Draw context.
        text - Text to get bounds of.
        font - Font applied to the text.
        A rectangle that describes the node bounds. See com.jogamp.opengl.util.awt.TextRenderer.getBounds for information on how this rectangle should be interpreted.
      • getMultilineTextBounds

        protected java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getMultilineTextBounds​(DrawContext dc,
                                                                   java.lang.String text,
                                                                   java.awt.Font font)
        Get the bounds of a multi-line text string. Each newline character in the input string (\n) indicates the start of a new line.
        dc - Current draw context.
        text - Text to find bounds of.
        font - Font applied to the text.
        A rectangle that describes the node bounds. See com.jogamp.opengl.util.awt.TextRenderer.getBounds for information on how this rectangle should be interpreted.
      • toggleNodeSelection

        protected void toggleNodeSelection​(TreeNode node)
        Toggles the selection state of the specified node. In order to provide an intuitive tree selection model to the application, this changes the selection state of the node's ancestors and descendants as follows:
        • The branch beneath the node it also set to the node's new selection state. Toggling an interior node's selection state causes that entire branch to toggle.
        • The node's ancestors are set to match the node's new selection state. If the new state is false, this stops at the first ancestor with another branch that has a selected node. When an interior or leaf node is toggled, the path to that node is also toggled, except when doing so would clear a selected path to another interior or leaf node.

        node - the TreeNode who's selection state should be toggled.
      • setDescendantsSelected

        protected void setDescendantsSelected​(TreeNode node,
                                              boolean selected)
        Sets the selection state of the branch beneath the specified node.
        node - the TreeNode who descendants selection should be set.
        selected - true to mark the descendants and selected, otherwise false.
      • getText

        protected java.lang.String getText​(TreeNode node)
        Get the text for a node.
        node - Node to get text for.
        Text for node.
      • getDescriptionText

        protected java.lang.String getDescriptionText​(TreeNode node)
        Get the description text for a node.
        node - Node to get text for.
        Description text for node. May return null if there is no description.