Class SectorVisibilityTree

  • public class SectorVisibilityTree
    extends java.lang.Object
    Determines the visible sectors at a specifed resolution within the draw context's current visible sector.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SectorVisibilityTree

        public SectorVisibilityTree()
    • Method Detail

      • getSectorSize

        public double getSectorSize()
      • getSectors

        public java.util.List<Sector> getSectors()
      • getTimeStamp

        public long getTimeStamp()
      • setTimeStamp

        public void setTimeStamp​(long timeStamp)
      • clearSectors

        public void clearSectors()
      • refresh

        public java.util.List<Sector> refresh​(DrawContext dc,
                                              double sectorSize)
        Determines the visible sectors at a specifed resolution within the draw context's current visible sector.
        dc - the current draw context
        sectorSize - the granularity of sector visibility, in degrees. All visible sectors of this size are found. The value must be in the range, 1 second <= sectorSize <= 180 degrees.
        the list of visible sectors. The list will be empty if no sectors are visible.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the draw context is null.
      • refresh

        public java.util.List<Sector> refresh​(DrawContext dc,
                                              double sectorSize,
                                              Sector searchSector)
        Determines the visible sectors at a specified resolution within a specified sector.
        dc - the current draw context
        sectorSize - the granularity of sector visibility, in degrees. All visible sectors of this size are found. The value must be in the range, 1 second <= sectorSize <= 180 degrees.
        searchSector - the overall sector for which to determine visibility. May be null, in which case the current visible sector of the draw context is used.
        the list of visible sectors. The list will be empty if no sectors are visible.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the draw context is null, the sector size is less than or equal to zero, or the search sector list is null.
      • refresh

        public java.util.List<Sector> refresh​(DrawContext dc,
                                              double sectorSize,
                                              java.util.List<Sector> searchSectors)
        Determines the visible sectors at a specified resolution within a collection of sectors. This method can be used to recursively determine visible sectors: the output of one invocation can be passed as an argument to the next invocation.
        dc - the current draw context
        sectorSize - the granularity of sector visibility, in degrees. All visible sectors of this size are The value must be in the range, 1 second <= sectorSize <= 180 degrees. found.
        searchSectors - the sectors for which to determine visibility.
        the list of visible sectors. The list will be empty if no sectors are visible.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the draw context is null, the sector size is less than or equal to zero or the search sector list is null.
      • swapCylinderLists

        protected void swapCylinderLists​(DrawContext dc)