Class GeographicImageInterpolator.GeographicCell

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    protected static class GeographicImageInterpolator.GeographicCell
    extends ImageInterpolator.Cell
    GeographicCell extends ImageInterpolator.Cell to correctly handle image cells which have geographic coordinates. Unlike its superclass, which works in Cartesian coordinates, GeographicCell handles the singularities of geographic coordinates, such as image cells which cross the international dateline.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      GeographicCell​(int m0, int m1, int n0, int n1)
      Constructs a new Geographic Cell, but otherwise does nothing.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected boolean childrenCrossDateline()
      Returns true if any of this image cell's children cross the international dateline, and false otherwise.
      protected void computeExtremesFromChildren()
      Overridden to correctly compute the extremes for parent cells who's children cross the international dateline.
      protected void computeExtremesFromLocations​(java.awt.Dimension dim, float[] xs, float[] ys)
      Overridden to correctly compute the extremes for leaf cells which cross the international dateline.
      boolean intersects​(float x, float y)
      Overridden to correctly compute intersection for cells which cross the international dateline.
      boolean isCrossesDateline()
      Returns true if this image cell crosses the international dateline, and false otherwise.
      protected boolean longitudesCrossDateline​(java.awt.Dimension dim, float[] longitudes)
      Returns true if a line segment from the first pixel in this cell to any other pixel in this cell crosses the international dateline, and false otherwise.
      protected ImageInterpolator.Cell makeChildCell​(int m0, int m1, int n0, int n1)
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • crossesDateline

        protected boolean crossesDateline
        Denotes if the pixels in this geographic image cell crosses the international dateline.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeographicCell

        public GeographicCell​(int m0,
                              int m1,
                              int n0,
                              int n1)
        Constructs a new Geographic Cell, but otherwise does nothing.
        m0 - the cell's left image coordinate.
        m1 - the cell's right image coordinate.
        n0 - the cell's bottom image coordinate.
        n1 - the cell's top image coordinate.
    • Method Detail

      • isCrossesDateline

        public boolean isCrossesDateline()
        Returns true if this image cell crosses the international dateline, and false otherwise.
        true if this cell crosses the international dateline; false otherwise.
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(float x,
                                  float y)
        Overridden to correctly compute intersection for cells which cross the international dateline. If the specified cell does not cross the dateline, this invokes the superclass' functionality.
        intersects in class ImageInterpolator.Cell
        x - the x-component to test for intersection with this cell.
        y - the y-component to test for intersection with this cell.
        true if the (x, y) point intersects this cell; false otherwise.
      • computeExtremesFromLocations

        protected void computeExtremesFromLocations​(java.awt.Dimension dim,
                                                    float[] xs,
                                                    float[] ys)
        Overridden to correctly compute the extremes for leaf cells which cross the international dateline. If this cell does not cross the dateline, this invokes the superclass' functionality.
        computeExtremesFromLocations in class ImageInterpolator.Cell
        dim - the image's dimensions.
        xs - the x-coordinates of the image's pixels. Must contain at least gridSize.width * gridSize.height elements.
        ys - the y-coordinates of the image's pixels. Must contain at least gridSize.width * gridSize.height elements.
      • computeExtremesFromChildren

        protected void computeExtremesFromChildren()
        Overridden to correctly compute the extremes for parent cells who's children cross the international dateline. If the this cell does not cross the dateline, this invokes the superclass' functionality.
        computeExtremesFromChildren in class ImageInterpolator.Cell
      • longitudesCrossDateline

        protected boolean longitudesCrossDateline​(java.awt.Dimension dim,
                                                  float[] longitudes)
        Returns true if a line segment from the first pixel in this cell to any other pixel in this cell crosses the international dateline, and false otherwise.
        dim - the image's dimensions.
        longitudes - the longitude coordinates of the image's pixels in degrees. Must contain at least dim.width * dim.height elements.
        true if this image cell's crosses the international dateline; false otherwise.
      • childrenCrossDateline

        protected boolean childrenCrossDateline()
        Returns true if any of this image cell's children cross the international dateline, and false otherwise. Returns false if this image cell has no children.
        true if any children cross the international dateline; false otherwise.