Interface DecisionTree.Controller<T,​C>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the data type of objects associated with tree nodes -- the objects implicitly contained in the tree.
    C - the traversal context type.
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface DecisionTree.Controller<T,​C>
    Interface defined by the class user to control traversal.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean isTerminal​(T o, C context)
      Indicates whether traversal should contine or end at a node.
      boolean isVisible​(T o, C context)
      Indicates whether a node is active during traversal.
      T[] split​(T o, C context)
      Create a cell's descendant nodes.
    • Method Detail

      • isVisible

        boolean isVisible​(T o,
                          C context)
        Indicates whether a node is active during traversal.
        o - the user-defined object specified at traversal start and examined at each tree nodes.
        context - the traversal context.
        true if the node is active, otherwise false.
      • isTerminal

        boolean isTerminal​(T o,
                           C context)
        Indicates whether traversal should contine or end at a node.
        o - the user-defined object specified at traversal start and examined at each tree nodes.
        context - the traversal context.
        true if the node is terminal, otherwise false. Traversal continues to descendants if false is returned. otherwise traversal of the node's branch of the tree stops.
      • split

        T[] split​(T o,
                  C context)
        Create a cell's descendant nodes. Called in order to continue traversal down a branch of the tree from the current node. The returned nodes are visited in the order returned.
        o - the user-defined object specified at traversal start and examined at each tree nodes.
        context - the traversal context.
        an array of descendant nodes.