Class AirfieldZone

    • Field Detail

      • airfieldPaths

        protected java.util.List<Path> airfieldPaths
        Paths used to draw the airfield graphic.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AirfieldZone

        public AirfieldZone​(java.lang.String sidc)
    • Method Detail

      • getSupportedGraphics

        public static java.util.List<java.lang.String> getSupportedGraphics()
        Indicates the graphics supported by this class.
        List of masked SIDC strings that identify graphics that this class supports.
      • setPositions

        public void setPositions​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Position> positions)
        Specifies the positions of the control points that place and orient the graphic.
        Specified by:
        setPositions in interface TacticalGraphic
        setPositions in class BasicArea
        positions - Positions that orient the graphic. How many positions are returned depends on the type of graphic. Some graphics require only a single position, others require many. The positions must be specified in the same order as the control points defined by the symbology set's template for this type of graphic.
      • createLabelText

        protected java.lang.String createLabelText()
        Create the text for the main label on this graphic.
        createLabelText in class BasicArea
        null, Airfield Zone does not support text modifiers.
      • makeShapes

        protected void makeShapes​(DrawContext dc)
        Create shapes to draw the airfield graphic.
        makeShapes in class BasicArea
        dc - Current draw context.
      • createAirfieldPaths

        protected java.util.List<Path> createAirfieldPaths​(DrawContext dc)
        Create shapes to draw the airfield graphic.
        dc - Current draw context.
        List of Paths that make up the airfield graphic.
      • configurePath

        protected void configurePath​(Path path)
        Configure a path in the airfield graphic. Paths are configured to follow terrain and clamp to the ground.
        path - Path to configure.