Class Polygon.ShapeData

    • Field Detail

      • boundaries

        protected java.util.List<Polygon.BoundaryInfo> boundaries
        This class holds the per-globe data for this shape.
      • rotationMatrix

        protected Matrix rotationMatrix
        The rotation matrix for this shape data.
      • coordBuffer

        protected java.nio.FloatBuffer coordBuffer
        The vertex data buffer for this shape data. The first half contains vertex coordinates, the second half contains normals.
      • normalBuffer

        protected java.nio.FloatBuffer normalBuffer
        The slice of the coordBuffer that contains normals.
      • normalBufferPosition

        protected int normalBufferPosition
        The index of the first normal in the coordBuffer.
      • interiorIndicesBuffer

        protected java.nio.IntBuffer interiorIndicesBuffer
        The indices identifying the cap vertices in a shape data's vertex buffer. Determined when this shape is tessellated, which occurs only once unless the shape's boundaries are re-specified.
      • tessellationError

        protected boolean tessellationError
        Indicates whether a tessellation error occurred. No more attempts to tessellate will be made if set to true.
      • refillIndexBuffer

        protected boolean refillIndexBuffer
        Indicates whether the index buffer needs to be filled because a new buffer is used or some other reason.
      • refillIndexVBO

        protected boolean refillIndexVBO
        Indicates whether the index buffer's VBO needs to be filled because a new buffer is used or some other reason.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShapeData

        public ShapeData​(DrawContext dc,
                         Polygon shape)
        Construct a cache entry using the boundaries of this shape.
        dc - the current draw context.
        shape - this shape.
    • Method Detail

      • getOuterBoundaryInfo

        protected Polygon.BoundaryInfo getOuterBoundaryInfo()
        Returns the boundary information for this shape data's outer boundary.
        this shape data's outer boundary info.
      • getRotationMatrix

        public Matrix getRotationMatrix()
        Returns this shape data's rotation matrix, if there is one.
        this shape data's rotation matrix, or null if there isn't one.
      • setRotationMatrix

        public void setRotationMatrix​(Matrix matrix)
        Specifies this shape data's rotation matrix.
        matrix - the new rotation matrix.