Class MultiResolutionPath.MultiResolutionPathData

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    protected static class MultiResolutionPath.MultiResolutionPathData
    extends Path.PathData
    Subclass of PathData that adds the capability to map which ordinal number corresponds to each rendered position.
    • Field Detail

      • positionOrdinals

        protected java.nio.IntBuffer positionOrdinals
        Maps indices of rendered positions to their corresponding ordinal numbers.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiResolutionPathData

        public MultiResolutionPathData​(DrawContext dc,
                                       Path shape)
        Creates a new MultiResolutionPathData with the specified draw context and path.
        dc - the draw context associated with this path data.
        shape - the shape associated with this path data.
    • Method Detail

      • getPositionOrdinals

        public java.nio.IntBuffer getPositionOrdinals()
        Returns a buffer mapping indices of rendered positions to their corresponding ordinal numbers.
        a buffer mapping positions to ordinal numbers.
      • setPositionOrdinals

        public void setPositionOrdinals​(java.nio.IntBuffer posOrdinals)
        Specifies a buffer that maps indices of rendered positions to their corresponding ordinal numbers.
        posOrdinals - a buffer that maps positions to ordinal numbers.