Class ContourLinePolygon

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ContourLinePolygon
    extends ContourLine
    Renders a contour line on the terrain at a given elevation. The controur line extent is bounded by a polygon defined by a list of LatLon.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContourLinePolygon

        public ContourLinePolygon()
      • ContourLinePolygon

        public ContourLinePolygon​(double elevation)
      • ContourLinePolygon

        public ContourLinePolygon​(double elevation,
                                  java.util.ArrayList<? extends LatLon> positions)
    • Method Detail

      • getPositions

        public java.util.List<? extends LatLon> getPositions()
        Get the list of LatLon that describe the current bounding polygon.
        the list of LatLon that describe the current bounding polygon.
      • setPositions

        public void setPositions​(java.util.ArrayList<? extends LatLon> positions)
        Set the list of LatLon that describes a closed polygon - one which last position is equal to the first, used to delineate the extent of the contour line.
        positions - the list of LatLon that describe a closed polygon.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if positions is null.
      • filterIntersections

        protected java.util.ArrayList<Intersection> filterIntersections​(DrawContext dc,
                                                                        java.util.ArrayList<Intersection> list)
        Filters the given intersection segments list according to some criteria - here the inclusion inside the current polygon.
        filterIntersections in class ContourLine
        dc - the current DrawContext
        list - the list of Intersection to be filtered.
        the filtered list.