Class KMLGroundOverlay

    • Constructor Detail

      • KMLGroundOverlay

        public KMLGroundOverlay​(java.lang.String namespaceURI)
        Construct an instance.
        namespaceURI - the qualifying namespace URI. May be null to indicate no namespace qualification.
    • Method Detail

      • getAltitude

        public java.lang.Double getAltitude()
      • getAltitudeMode

        public java.lang.String getAltitudeMode()
      • doPreRender

        protected void doPreRender​(KMLTraversalContext tc,
                                   DrawContext dc)
        Pre-renders the ground overlay geometry represented by this KMLGroundOverlay. This initializes the ground overlay geometry if necessary, prior to pre-rendering.
        doPreRender in class KMLAbstractFeature
        tc - the current KML traversal context.
        dc - the current draw context.
      • doRender

        protected void doRender​(KMLTraversalContext tc,
                                DrawContext dc)
        Renders the ground overlay geometry represented by this KMLGroundOverlay.
        doRender in class KMLAbstractFeature
        tc - the current KML traversal context.
        dc - the current draw context.
      • initializeRenderable

        protected void initializeRenderable​(KMLTraversalContext tc)
        Create the renderable that will represent the overlay.
        tc - the current KML traversal context.
      • getRenderable

        public KMLRenderable getRenderable()
        Get the renderable that represents the screen overlay. The renderable is created the first time that the overlay is rendered. Until then, the method will return null.
        The renderable, or null if the renderable has not been created yet.
      • getPositions

        public Position.PositionList getPositions()
        Convenience method to get the positions defined by either LatLonBox or gx:LatLonQuad. If the overlay includes a LatLonBox element, this method returns the corners of the sector defined by the LatLonBox. Otherwise, if the overlay contains a gx:LatLonQuad, this method returns the positions defined by the quad.
        A list of the positions that define the corner points of the overlay.