Class Vec4

  • public class Vec4
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Detail

      • INFINITY

        public static final Vec4 INFINITY
      • ZERO

        public static final Vec4 ZERO
      • ONE

        public static final Vec4 ONE
      • UNIT_X

        public static final Vec4 UNIT_X

        public static final Vec4 UNIT_NEGATIVE_X
      • UNIT_Y

        public static final Vec4 UNIT_Y

        public static final Vec4 UNIT_NEGATIVE_Y
      • UNIT_Z

        public static final Vec4 UNIT_Z

        public static final Vec4 UNIT_NEGATIVE_Z
      • UNIT_W

        public static final Vec4 UNIT_W

        public static final Vec4 UNIT_NEGATIVE_W
      • x

        public final double x
      • y

        public final double y
      • z

        public final double z
      • w

        public final double w
    • Constructor Detail

      • Vec4

        public Vec4​(double value)
      • Vec4

        public Vec4​(double x,
                    double y)
      • Vec4

        public Vec4​(double x,
                    double y,
                    double z)
      • Vec4

        public Vec4​(double x,
                    double y,
                    double z,
                    double w)
    • Method Detail

      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • fromDoubleArray

        public static Vec4 fromDoubleArray​(double[] array,
                                           int offset,
                                           int length)
        Constructs a new Vec4 with coordinate values read from the specified double array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, the specified length must be 1 or greater, and the array must have capacity equal to or greater than offset + length. Coordinates are assigned as follows:

        x = array[offset]
        y = array[offset + 1] if length > 1, otherwise y=0
        z = array[offset + 2] if length > 2, otherwise z=0
        w = array[offset + 3] if length > 3, otherwise w=1

        array - the double array from which to read coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        length - the number of coordinates to read.
        a new Vec4 with coordinate values read from the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, if length is less than 1, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + length.
      • fromFloatArray

        public static Vec4 fromFloatArray​(float[] array,
                                          int offset,
                                          int length)
        Constructs a new Vec4 with coordinate values read from the specified float array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, the specified length must be 1 or greater, and the array must have capacity equal to or greater than offset + length. Coordinates are assigned as follows:

        x = array[offset]
        y = array[offset + 1] if length > 1, otherwise y=0
        z = array[offset + 2] if length > 2, otherwise z=0
        w = array[offset + 3] if length > 3, otherwise w=1

        array - the float array from which to read coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        length - the number of coordinates to read.
        a new Vec4 with coordinate values read from the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, if length is less than 1, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + length.
      • fromArray2

        public static Vec4 fromArray2​(double[] array,
                                      int offset)
        Constructs a new Vec4 with x and y values from the specified double array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, and the array must have capacity equal to or greater than offset + 2. Coordinates are assigned as follows:

        x = array[offset]
        y = array[offset + 1]

        array - the double array from which to read coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        a new Vec4 with x and y coordinate values from the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + 2.
      • fromArray3

        public static Vec4 fromArray3​(double[] array,
                                      int offset)
        Constructs a new Vec4 with x, y and z values from the specified double array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, and the array must have capacity equal to or greater than offset + 3. Coordinates are assigned as follows:

        x = array[offset]
        y = array[offset + 1]
        z = array[offset + 2]

        array - the double array from which to read coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        a new Vec4 with x, y and z coordinate values from the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + 3.
      • fromArray4

        public static Vec4 fromArray4​(double[] array,
                                      int offset)
        Constructs a new Vec4 with x, y, z and w values from the specified double array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, and the array must have capacity equal to or greater than offset + 4. Coordinates are assigned as follows:

        x = array[offset]
        y = array[offset + 1]
        z = array[offset + 2]
        w = array[offset + 3]

        array - the double array from which to read coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        a new Vec4 with x, y, z and w coordinate values from the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + 4.
      • toDoubleArray

        public final double[] toDoubleArray​(double[] array,
                                            int offset,
                                            int length)
        Writes this Vec4's coordinate values to the specified double array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, the specified length must be 1 or greater, and the array must have capacity equal to or greater than offset + length. Coordinates are written to the array as follows:

        array[offset] = x
        array[offset + 1] = y if length > 1, otherwise array[offset + 1] is not written to
        array[offset + 2] = z if length > 2, otherwise array[offset + 2] is not written to
        array[offset + 3] = w if length > 3, otherwise array[offset + 3] is not written to

        array - the double array to receive the coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        length - the number of coordinates to write.
        the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, if length is less than 1, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + length.
      • toFloatArray

        public final float[] toFloatArray​(float[] array,
                                          int offset,
                                          int length)
        Writes this Vec4's coordinate values to the specified float array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, the specified length must be 1 or greater, and the array must have capacity equal to or greater than offset + length. Coordinates are written to the array as follows:

        array[offset] = x
        array[offset + 1] = y if length > 1, otherwise array[offset + 1] is not written to
        array[offset + 2] = z if length > 2, otherwise array[offset + 2] is not written to
        array[offset + 3] = w if length > 3, otherwise array[offset + 3] is not written to

        array - the float array to receive the coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        length - the number of coordinates to write.
        the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, if length is less than 1, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + length.
      • toArray2

        public final double[] toArray2​(double[] array,
                                       int offset)
        Writes this Vec4's x and y values to the specified double array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, and the array must have have capacity equal to or greater than offset + 2. Coordinates are written to the array as follows:

        array[offset] = x
        array[offset + 1] = y

        array - the double array to receive the coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + 2.
      • toArray3

        public final double[] toArray3​(double[] array,
                                       int offset)
        Writes this Vec4's x, y and z values to the specified double array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, and the array must have have capacity equal to or greater than offset + 3. Coordinates are written to the array as follows:

        array[offset] = x
        array[offset + 1] = y
        array[offset + 2] = z

        array - the double array to receive the coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + 3.
      • toArray4

        public final double[] toArray4​(double[] array,
                                       int offset)
        Writes this Vec4's x, y, z and w values to the specified double array. The specified offset must be 0 or greater, and the array must have have capacity equal to or greater than offset + 4. Coordinates are written to the array as follows:

        array[offset] = x
        array[offset + 1] = y
        array[offset + 2] = z
        array[offset + 3] = w

        array - the double array to receive the coordinate data.
        offset - the array starting index.
        the specified double array.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the array is null, if offset is negative, or if the array's capacity is less than offset + 4.
      • toHomogeneousPoint3

        public Vec4 toHomogeneousPoint3()
        Returns a representation of this vector as an x y z point suitable for use where four-dimensional homogeneous coordinates are required. The returned vector has x y z coordinates are equal to this vector's x y z coordinates, and has w coordinate equal to 1.0.

        A three-dimensional point in homogeneous coordinates is necessary when transforming that point by a 4x4 transformation matrix, or when calculating the dot product of the point and the equation of a plane. The returned vector is affected by the translation component of a 4x4 transformation matrix.

        this Vec4 converted to a point vector in four-dimensional homogeneous coordinates.
      • toHomogeneousDirection3

        public Vec4 toHomogeneousDirection3()
        Returns a representation of this vector as an x y z direction suitable for use where four-dimensional homogeneous coordinates are required. The returned vector has x y z coordinates are equal to this vector's x y z coordinates, and has w coordinate equal to 0.0.

        A three-dimensional direction in homogeneous coordinates is necessary when transforming that direction by a 4x4 transformation matrix. The returned vector is not affected by the translation component of a 4x4 transformation matrix, and therefore remains invariant under translation.

        this Vec4 converted to a direction vector in four-dimensional homogeneous coordinates.
      • toString

        public final java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getX

        public final double getX()
      • getY

        public final double getY()
      • getZ

        public final double getZ()
      • getW

        public final double getW()
      • x

        public final double x()
      • y

        public final double y()
      • z

        public final double z()
      • w

        public final double w()
      • fromLine3

        public static Vec4 fromLine3​(Vec4 origin,
                                     double t,
                                     Vec4 direction)
      • add3

        public final Vec4 add3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • add3

        public final Vec4 add3​(double x,
                               double y,
                               double z)
      • subtract3

        public final Vec4 subtract3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • subtract3

        public final Vec4 subtract3​(double x,
                                    double y,
                                    double z)
      • multiply3

        public final Vec4 multiply3​(double value)
      • multiply3

        public final Vec4 multiply3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • divide3

        public final Vec4 divide3​(double value)
      • divide3

        public final Vec4 divide3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • getNegative3

        public final Vec4 getNegative3()
      • getAbs3

        public final Vec4 getAbs3()
      • getLength3

        public final double getLength3()
      • getLengthSquared3

        public final double getLengthSquared3()
      • normalize3

        public final Vec4 normalize3()
      • distanceTo2

        public final double distanceTo2​(Vec4 vec4)
      • distanceTo3

        public final double distanceTo3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • distanceToSquared3

        public final double distanceToSquared3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • dot3

        public final double dot3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • dot4

        public final double dot4​(Vec4 vec4)
      • dotSelf3

        public final double dotSelf3()
      • dotSelf4

        public final double dotSelf4()
      • cross3

        public final Vec4 cross3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • angleBetween3

        public final Angle angleBetween3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • axisAngle

        public static Angle axisAngle​(Vec4 v1,
                                      Vec4 v2,
                                      Vec4[] result)
        Compute the angle and rotation axis required to rotate one vector to align with another.
        v1 - The base vector.
        v2 - The vector to rotate into alignment with v1.
        result - A reference to an array in which to return the computed axis. May not be null.
        The rotation angle.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any parameter is null.
      • projectOnto3

        public final Vec4 projectOnto3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • perpendicularTo3

        public final Vec4 perpendicularTo3​(Vec4 vec4)
      • perpendicularVectors

        public Vec4[] perpendicularVectors()
        Computes two vectors mutually perpendicular to this vector and each other.
        an array of two unit vectors mutually orthogonal to this vector.
      • transformBy3

        public final Vec4 transformBy3​(Matrix matrix)
      • transformBy3

        public final Vec4 transformBy3​(Quaternion quaternion)
      • transformBy4

        public final Vec4 transformBy4​(Matrix matrix)
      • min3

        public static Vec4 min3​(Vec4 value1,
                                Vec4 value2)
      • max3

        public static Vec4 max3​(Vec4 value1,
                                Vec4 value2)
      • clamp3

        public static Vec4 clamp3​(Vec4 vec4,
                                  double min,
                                  double max)
      • mix3

        public static Vec4 mix3​(double amount,
                                Vec4 value1,
                                Vec4 value2)
      • computeAveragePoint

        public static Vec4 computeAveragePoint​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Vec4> points)
        Returns the arithmetic mean of the x, y, z, and w coordinates of the specified points Iterable. This returns null if the Iterable contains no points, or if all of the points are null.
        points - the Iterable of points which define the returned arithmetic mean.
        the arithmetic mean point of the specified points Iterable, or null if the Iterable is empty or contains only null points.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the Iterable is null.
      • computeAveragePoint3

        public static Vec4 computeAveragePoint3​(BufferWrapper coordinates,
                                                int stride)
        Returns the arithmetic mean of the x, y, z coordinates of the specified points buffer. This returns null if the buffer is empty.

        The buffer must contain XYZ coordinate tuples which are either tightly packed or offset by the specified stride. The stride specifies the number of buffer elements between the first coordinate of consecutive tuples. For example, a stride of 3 specifies that each tuple is tightly packed as XYZXYZXYZ, whereas a stride of 5 specifies that there are two elements between each tuple as XYZabXYZab (the elements "a" and "b" are ignored). The stride must be at least 3. If the buffer's length is not evenly divisible into stride-sized tuples, this ignores the remaining elements that follow the last complete tuple.

        coordinates - the buffer containing the point coordinates for which to compute a bounding volume.
        stride - the number of elements between the first coordinate of consecutive points. If stride is 3, this interprets the buffer has having tightly packed XYZ coordinate tuples.
        the arithmetic mean point of the specified points Iterable, or null if the Iterable is empty or contains only null points.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the buffer is null, or if the stride is less than three.
      • getAverageDistance

        public static double getAverageDistance​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Vec4> points)
      • computeExtrema

        public static Vec4[] computeExtrema​(Vec4[] points)
        Calculate the extrema of a given array of Vec4s. The resulting array is always of length 2, with the first element containing the minimum extremum, and the second containing the maximum. The minimum extremum is composed by taking the smallest x, y and z values from all the Vec4s in the array. These values are not necessarily taken from the same Vec4. The maximum extrema is composed in the same fashion.
        points - any array of Vec4s
        a array with length of 2, comprising the most extreme values in the given array
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if points is null
      • areColinear

        public static boolean areColinear​(Vec4 a,
                                          Vec4 b,
                                          Vec4 c)
        Indicates whether three vectors are colinear.
        a - the first vector.
        b - the second vector.
        c - the third vector.
        true if the vectors are colinear, otherwise false.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is null.