Class Triangle

  • public class Triangle
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides operations on triangles.
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      protected static class  Triangle.TriangleIntersection
      Defines a line segment representing the intersection of a line with and in the plane of a triangle.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Triangle​(Vec4 a, Vec4 b, Vec4 c)
      Construct a triangle from three counter-clockwise ordered vertices.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected static Triangle.TriangleIntersection compute_intervals_isectline​(Vec4[] v, double vv0, double vv1, double vv2, double d0, double d1, double d2, double d0d1, double d0d2)  
      boolean contains​(Vec4 p)
      Indicates whether a specified point is on the triangle.
      protected static boolean coplanarTriangles​(Vec4 n, Vec4[] v, Vec4[] u)  
      protected static boolean edgeEdgeTest​(double[] v0, double[] u0, double[] u1, int i0, int i1, double ax, double ay)  
      static void expandTriangleFan​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices, java.nio.FloatBuffer inBuf, java.nio.FloatBuffer outBuf)
      Expands a buffer of indexed triangle fan vertices to a buffer of non-indexed general-triangle vertices.
      static void expandTriangleFan​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices, java.nio.IntBuffer outBuf)  
      static void expandTriangles​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices, java.nio.FloatBuffer inBuf, java.nio.FloatBuffer outBuf)
      Expands a buffer of indexed triangle vertices to a buffer of non-indexed triangle vertices.
      static void expandTriangles​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices, java.nio.IntBuffer outBuf)  
      static void expandTriangleStrip​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices, java.nio.FloatBuffer inBuf, java.nio.FloatBuffer outBuf)
      Expands a buffer of indexed triangle strip vertices to a buffer of non-indexed general-triangle vertices.
      static void expandTriangleStrip​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices, java.nio.IntBuffer outBuf)  
      Vec4 getA()
      Returns the first vertex.
      Vec4 getB()
      Returns the second vertex.
      Vec4 getC()
      Returns the third vertex.
      Vec4 intersect​(Line line)
      Determine the intersection of the triangle with a specified line.
      static Intersection intersect​(Line line, double vax, double vay, double vaz, double vbx, double vby, double vbz, double vcx, double vcy, double vcz)
      Determines the intersection of a specified line with a triangle specified by individual coordinates.
      static Intersection intersect​(Line line, Vec4 a, Vec4 b, Vec4 c)
      Determines the intersection of a specified line with a specified triangle.
      protected static Triangle.TriangleIntersection intersect​(Vec4 v0, Vec4 v1, Vec4 v2, double vv0, double vv1, double vv2, double d0, double d1, double d2)  
      static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriangles​(Line line, java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices)
      Compute the intersections of a line with a collection of triangles.
      static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriangles​(Line line, java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices, java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
      Compute the intersections of a line with a collection of triangles.
      static int intersectTriangles​(Vec4[] v, Vec4[] u, Vec4[] intersectionVertices)
      Intersects two triangles and returns their intersection vertices.
      static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriangleTypes​(Line line, java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices, java.nio.IntBuffer indices, int triangleType)
      Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle collection.
      static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriFan​(Line line, Vec4[] vertices, java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
      Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle fan.
      static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriFan​(Line line, java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices, java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
      Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle fan.
      static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriStrip​(Line line, Vec4[] vertices, java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
      Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle strip.
      static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriStrip​(Line line, java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices, java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
      Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle strip.
      protected static boolean pointInTri​(double[] v0, double[] u0, double[] u1, double[] u2, int i0, int i1)  
      java.lang.String toString()  
      protected static boolean triangleEdgeTest​(double[] v0, double[] v1, double[] u0, double[] u1, double[] u2, int i0, int i1)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Triangle

        public Triangle​(Vec4 a,
                        Vec4 b,
                        Vec4 c)
        Construct a triangle from three counter-clockwise ordered vertices. The front face of the triangle is determined by the right-hand rule.
        a - the first vertex.
        b - the second vertex.
        c - the third vertex.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any vertex is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getA

        public Vec4 getA()
        Returns the first vertex.
        the first vertex.
      • getB

        public Vec4 getB()
        Returns the second vertex.
        the second vertex.
      • getC

        public Vec4 getC()
        Returns the third vertex.
        the third vertex.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Vec4 p)
        Indicates whether a specified point is on the triangle.
        p - the point to test. If null, the method returns false.
        true if the point is on the triangle, otherwise false.
      • intersect

        public Vec4 intersect​(Line line)
        Determine the intersection of the triangle with a specified line.
        line - the line to test.
        the point of intersection if the line intersects the triangle, otherwise null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the line is null.
      • intersect

        public static Intersection intersect​(Line line,
                                             Vec4 a,
                                             Vec4 b,
                                             Vec4 c)
        Determines the intersection of a specified line with a specified triangle. The triangle is specified by three points ordered counterclockwise. The triangle's front face is determined by the right-hand rule.
        line - the line to test.
        a - the first vertex of the triangle.
        b - the second vertex of the triangle.
        c - the third vertex of the triangle.
        the point of intersection if the line intersects the triangle, otherwise null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the line or any of the triangle vertices is null.
      • intersect

        public static Intersection intersect​(Line line,
                                             double vax,
                                             double vay,
                                             double vaz,
                                             double vbx,
                                             double vby,
                                             double vbz,
                                             double vcx,
                                             double vcy,
                                             double vcz)
        Determines the intersection of a specified line with a triangle specified by individual coordinates.
        line - the line to test.
        vax - the X coordinate of the first vertex of the triangle.
        vay - the Y coordinate of the first vertex of the triangle.
        vaz - the Z coordinate of the first vertex of the triangle.
        vbx - the X coordinate of the second vertex of the triangle.
        vby - the Y coordinate of the second vertex of the triangle.
        vbz - the Z coordinate of the second vertex of the triangle.
        vcx - the X coordinate of the third vertex of the triangle.
        vcy - the Y coordinate of the third vertex of the triangle.
        vcz - the Z coordinate of the third vertex of the triangle.
        the point of intersection if the line intersects the triangle, otherwise null.
      • intersectTriStrip

        public static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriStrip​(Line line,
                                                                     java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices,
                                                                     java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
        Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle strip.
        line - the line to intersect.
        vertices - the tri-strip vertices.
        indices - the indices forming the tri-strip.
        the list of intersections with the line and the tri-strip, or null if there are no intersections.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the line, vertex buffer or index buffer is null.
      • intersectTriStrip

        public static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriStrip​(Line line,
                                                                     Vec4[] vertices,
                                                                     java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
        Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle strip.
        line - the line to intersect.
        vertices - the tri-strip vertices.
        indices - the indices forming the tri-strip.
        the list of intersections with the line and the triangle strip, or null if there are no intersections.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the line, vertex array or index buffer is null.
      • intersectTriFan

        public static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriFan​(Line line,
                                                                   java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices,
                                                                   java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
        Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle fan.
        line - the line to intersect.
        vertices - the tri-fan vertices.
        indices - the indices forming the tri-fan.
        the list of intersections with the line and the triangle fan, or null if there are no intersections.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the line, vertex buffer or index buffer is null.
      • intersectTriFan

        public static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriFan​(Line line,
                                                                   Vec4[] vertices,
                                                                   java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
        Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle fan.
        line - the line to intersect.
        vertices - the tri-fan vertices.
        indices - the indices forming the tri-fan.
        the list of intersections with the line and the triangle fan, or null if there are no intersections.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the line, vertex array or index buffer is null.
      • intersectTriangles

        public static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriangles​(Line line,
                                                                      java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices)
        Compute the intersections of a line with a collection of triangles.
        line - the line to intersect.
        vertices - the triangles, arranged in a buffer as GL_TRIANGLES (9 floats per triangle).
        the list of intersections with the line and the triangles, or null if there are no intersections.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the line or vertex buffer is null.
      • intersectTriangles

        public static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriangles​(Line line,
                                                                      java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices,
                                                                      java.nio.IntBuffer indices)
        Compute the intersections of a line with a collection of triangles.
        line - the line to intersect.
        vertices - the triangles, arranged in a buffer as GL_TRIANGLES (9 floats per triangle).
        indices - the indices forming the triangles.
        the list of intersections with the line and the triangle fan, or null if there are no intersections.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the line, vertex buffer or index buffer is null.
      • intersectTriangleTypes

        public static java.util.List<Intersection> intersectTriangleTypes​(Line line,
                                                                          java.nio.FloatBuffer vertices,
                                                                          java.nio.IntBuffer indices,
                                                                          int triangleType)
        Compute the intersections of a line with a triangle collection.
        line - the line to intersect.
        vertices - the tri-fan vertices, in the order x, y, z, x, y, z, ...
        indices - the indices forming the tri-fan.
        triangleType - the type of triangle collection, either GL.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP or GL.GL_TRIANGLE_FAN.
        the list of intersections with the line and the triangle fan, or null if there are no intersections.
      • expandTriangles

        public static void expandTriangles​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices,
                                           java.nio.FloatBuffer inBuf,
                                           java.nio.FloatBuffer outBuf)
        Expands a buffer of indexed triangle vertices to a buffer of non-indexed triangle vertices.
        indices - the triangle indices.
        inBuf - the vertex buffer the indices refer to, in the order x, y, z, x, y, z, ...
        outBuf - the buffer in which to place the expanded triangle vertices. The buffer must have a limit sufficient to hold the output vertices.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the index list or the input or output buffer is null, or if the output buffer size is insufficient.
      • expandTriangleFan

        public static void expandTriangleFan​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices,
                                             java.nio.FloatBuffer inBuf,
                                             java.nio.FloatBuffer outBuf)
        Expands a buffer of indexed triangle fan vertices to a buffer of non-indexed general-triangle vertices.
        indices - the triangle indices.
        inBuf - the vertex buffer the indices refer to, in the order x, y, z, x, y, z, ...
        outBuf - the buffer in which to place the expanded triangle vertices. The buffer must have a limit sufficient to hold the output vertices.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the index list or the input or output buffer is null, or if the output buffer size is insufficient.
      • expandTriangleStrip

        public static void expandTriangleStrip​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices,
                                               java.nio.FloatBuffer inBuf,
                                               java.nio.FloatBuffer outBuf)
        Expands a buffer of indexed triangle strip vertices to a buffer of non-indexed general-triangle vertices.
        indices - the triangle indices.
        inBuf - the vertex buffer the indices refer to, in the order x, y, z, x, y, z, ...
        outBuf - the buffer in which to place the expanded triangle vertices. The buffer must have a limit sufficient to hold the output vertices.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the index list or the input or output buffer is null, or if the output buffer size is insufficient.
      • expandTriangles

        public static void expandTriangles​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices,
                                           java.nio.IntBuffer outBuf)
      • expandTriangleFan

        public static void expandTriangleFan​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices,
                                             java.nio.IntBuffer outBuf)
      • expandTriangleStrip

        public static void expandTriangleStrip​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> indices,
                                               java.nio.IntBuffer outBuf)
      • intersectTriangles

        public static int intersectTriangles​(Vec4[] v,
                                             Vec4[] u,
                                             Vec4[] intersectionVertices)
        Intersects two triangles and returns their intersection vertices.
        v - the Cartesian coordinates of the first triangle.
        u - the Cartesian coordinates of the second triangle.
        intersectionVertices - a pre-allocated two-element array in which the intersection vertices, if any, are returned.
        -1 if there is no intersection, 1 if there is an intersection, or 0 if the triangles are co-planar.
      • compute_intervals_isectline

        protected static Triangle.TriangleIntersection compute_intervals_isectline​(Vec4[] v,
                                                                                   double vv0,
                                                                                   double vv1,
                                                                                   double vv2,
                                                                                   double d0,
                                                                                   double d1,
                                                                                   double d2,
                                                                                   double d0d1,
                                                                                   double d0d2)
      • coplanarTriangles

        protected static boolean coplanarTriangles​(Vec4 n,
                                                   Vec4[] v,
                                                   Vec4[] u)
      • triangleEdgeTest

        protected static boolean triangleEdgeTest​(double[] v0,
                                                  double[] v1,
                                                  double[] u0,
                                                  double[] u1,
                                                  double[] u2,
                                                  int i0,
                                                  int i1)
      • edgeEdgeTest

        protected static boolean edgeEdgeTest​(double[] v0,
                                              double[] u0,
                                              double[] u1,
                                              int i0,
                                              int i1,
                                              double ax,
                                              double ay)
      • pointInTri

        protected static boolean pointInTri​(double[] v0,
                                            double[] u0,
                                            double[] u1,
                                            double[] u2,
                                            int i0,
                                            int i1)
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object