Interface StereoSceneController

    • Method Detail

      • setStereoMode

        void setStereoMode​(java.lang.String mode)
        Specifies the technique used to provide a stereo effect. Defined options are AVKey.STEREO_MODE_DEVICE to request device supported stereo, AVKey.STEREO_MODE_RED_BLUE to request red-blue anaglyph stereo implemented in software, or AVKey.STEREO_MODE_NONE (the default) to request no stereo effect.

        If STEREO_MODE_DEVICE is requested but the display device does not support stereo, stereo is not applied.

        See the implementing class to determine how it detects the initial stereo mode.

        mode - the technique used to provide the stereo effect. If null, the mode is set to AVKey.STEREO_MODE_NONE.
      • getStereoMode

        java.lang.String getStereoMode()
        Indicates the current stereo mode of this controller.
        the current stereo mode. See this class' description for the possible modes. This method does not return null. If a null mode was passed to setStereoMode(String), this instance's mode was set to AVKey.STEREO_MODE_NONE.
      • setFocusAngle

        void setFocusAngle​(Angle a)
        Specifies the angle difference between the left and right eye direction. Larger angles increase the stereo effect.
        a - the left-right eye direction difference. If null, the angle is set to 0.
      • getFocusAngle

        Angle getFocusAngle()
        Returns this controller's focus angle, the angle difference between the left and right eye direction.
        this controller's focus angle.
      • setSwapEyes

        void setSwapEyes​(boolean swapEyes)
        Specifies whether to draw the right eye image in the left eye's position and the left eye's image in the right eye's position.
        swapEyes - true to switch the left/right stereo images, otherwise false.
      • isSwapEyes

        boolean isSwapEyes()
        Indicates whether to switch the left/right stereo images.
        true to switch the images, otherwise false
      • isHardwareStereo

        boolean isHardwareStereo()
        Indicates whether stereo is being implemented directly by the display device rather than software.
        true if if stereo is being implemented by the display device, otherwise false.
      • isInStereo

        boolean isInStereo()
        Indicates whether stereo is being applied, either directly by the display device or simulated via software.
        true if stereo is being applied.