WorldWind Java provides a rich set of features for displaying and interacting with geographic data and representing a wide range of geometric objects.
General Features
- Open-source, high-performance 3D Virtual globe API and SDK
- Adds 3D geographic visualization to any application
- Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
- Free run-time and development license
- Unencumbered use on any number of devices
- Huge collection of high-resolution imagery and terrain from NASA servers
- Displays high-resolution imagery, terrain and geographic information from any open-standard public or private source
- Open-standard interfaces to GIS services and databases
- Large collection of geometric and geographic shapes
- Simple to extend and modify, designed to be extensible
- Uses Java and OpenGL
Graphics Capabilities
- Point, Path, Polygon, Curtain
- Volumes: Extruded Polygon, Ellipsoid, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Pyramid, Box, Airspaces (see below)
- Terrain conforming shapes: Path, Polygons, Ellipse, Circle, Quadrilateral, Rectangle, Square, Text, Image, Icon
- Airspaces: Box, Cake, Capped Cylinder (full and partial), Curtain, Orbit, PolyArc, Polygon, Route, Sphere, Track
- Annotation: Text, Text Balloon, HTML5 web-browser Balloon, Image, Icons, all with geo-located and screen versions
- Placenames, Political boundaries
- Transparency
- Picking, Selection
- Navigation and Viewing: Orbit View, First Person, Stereo, application-defined
- Multiple WorldWind windows
- Interactive shape editors
- 2525C Tactical Symbols and Tactical Graphics
Data Formats
- Imagery: JPG, PNG, GeoTIFF, JPEG2000 and many others
- Government formats: NITF, MrSID, RPF (CADRG, CIB, etc.), DTED and many others
- GIS formats: Shapefile, KML, VPF, GML, GeoJSON, GeoRSS, GPX, NMEA and many others
- Coordinate Systems: Lat/Lon, UTM, MGRS.
- Datums: WGS84, NAD27 and many others
Analysis Capabilities
- Measurement, geometric and terrain following
- Line-of-sight with high-resolution terrain and shapes
- Terrain intersection
- Shape interactions
Miscellaneous Capabilities
- Deploy as Java Application or Java Web Start Application
- GIS web service protocols: WMS, WFS
- Swing, AWT and JOGL integration
- Layer model with visibility and transparency control
- Highly configurable and customizable
- Automatic image and terrain retrieval from web services
- Animation: View, globe, object
- Local data cache
- Automatic region sorting
- Over 100 programming examples
- API documentation
- Community support forum