Class KMLFlyViewController.FlyToLookAtAnimator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    protected class KMLFlyViewController.FlyToLookAtAnimator
    extends FlyToFlyViewAnimator
    A compound animator to animates a FlyView to look from the same orientation as an OrbitView. The animator also takes an altitude mode that applies to the orbit view center position (the LookAt position). If the altitude mode is relative to the surface elevation, the animator will re-compute the final eye position on each iteration to ensure that the animation ends using the most accurate elevation data available.
    • Field Detail

      • altitudeMode

        protected int altitudeMode
      • lookAtPosition

        protected Position lookAtPosition
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlyToLookAtAnimator

        public FlyToLookAtAnimator​(Interpolator interpolator,
                                   OrbitView targetView,
                                   Position lookAtPosition,
                                   int altitudeMode,
                                   PositionAnimator eyePositionAnimator,
                                   DoubleAnimator elevationAnimator,
                                   AngleAnimator headingAnimator,
                                   AngleAnimator pitchAnimator,
                                   AngleAnimator rollAnimator)
        Create an animator to animate the view to look at a position.
        interpolator - Interpolator to control the rate of animation.
        targetView - OrbitView that specifies desired heading, pitch, and zoom. The animator may modify this view as the animation proceeds, and the center position is re-calculated with new elevation data.
        lookAtPosition - Position to look at.
        altitudeMode - Altitude mode of lookAtPosition.
        eyePositionAnimator - Animator for eye position.
        elevationAnimator - Animator for eye elevation.
        headingAnimator - Animator for heading.
        pitchAnimator - Animator for pitch.
        rollAnimator - Animator for roll.
    • Method Detail

      • setImpl

        protected void setImpl​(double interpolant)
        Set the values attached to each of the Animators using the given interpolant.
        setImpl in class CompoundAnimator
        interpolant - A value between 0 and 1.