Class VPFLayerDemo

  • public class VPFLayerDemo
    extends ApplicationTemplate
    Illustrates how to import data from a Vector Product Format (VPF) database into WorldWind. This uses VPFLayer to display an imported VPF database, and uses VPFCoveragePanel to enable the user to choose which shapes from the VPF database to display.

    To display VPF shapes with the appropriate color, style, and icon, applications must include the JAR file vpf-symbols.jar in the Java class-path. If this JAR file is not in the Java class-path, VPFLayer outputs the following message in the WorldWind log: WARNING: GeoSym style support is disabled. In this case, VPF shapes are displayed as gray outlines, and icons are displayed as a gray question mark.

    • Constructor Detail

      • VPFLayerDemo

        public VPFLayerDemo()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)