Class Balloons

  • public class Balloons
    extends ApplicationTemplate
    Illustrates how to use a WorldWind Balloon to display on-screen information to the user in the form of a screen-aligned text balloon. There are two abstract balloon types: ScreenBalloon which displays a balloon at a point on the screen, and GlobeBalloon which displays a balloon attached to a position on the Globe. For each abstract balloon type, there are two concrete types: AnnotationBalloon which provides support for simple text content with an optional image, and BrowserBalloon which provides support for complex HTML, JavaScript, and Flash content.

    Balloon Content
    A Balloon's content is specified by calling Balloon.setText(String), and its visual attributes are specified by calling Balloon.setAttributes(gov.nasa.worldwind.render.BalloonAttributes) with an instance of BalloonAttributes.

    ScreenBalloons display a screen-aligned balloon at a point on the screen. There are two concrete ScreenBalloon types:

    • ScreenAnnotationBalloon - a screen-attached balloon with support for multi-line text, a background image, simple HTML text markup, and simple text styling attributes.
    • ScreenBrowserBalloon - a screen-attached balloon with support for HTML, JavaScript, and Flash content.

    GlobeBalloons display a screen-aligned balloon attached to a position on the Globe.

    • GlobeAnnotationBalloon - a Globe-attached balloon with support for multi-line text, a background image, simple HTML text markup, and simple text styling attributes.
    • GlobeBrowserBalloon - a Globe-attached balloon with support for HTML, JavaScript, and Flash content.
    • Field Detail


        protected static final java.lang.String BROWSER_BALLOON_CONTENT_PATH
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Balloons

        public Balloons()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(java.lang.String[] args)