Interface ViewPropertyLimits

    • Method Detail

      • setEyeLocationLimits

        void setEyeLocationLimits​(Sector sector)
        Sets the Sector which will limit a view's eye latitude and longitude.
        sector - Sector which will limit the eye latitude and longitude.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if sector is null.
      • getEyeLocationLimits

        Sector getEyeLocationLimits()
        Returns the Sector which limits a view's eye latitude and longitude.
        Sector which limits the eye latitude and longitude.
      • getEyeElevationLimits

        double[] getEyeElevationLimits()
        Returns the minimum and maximum values for a view's eye elevation.
        Minimum and maximum allowable values for the elevation.
      • setEyeElevationLimits

        void setEyeElevationLimits​(double minValue,
                                   double maxValue)
        Sets the minimum and maximum values for a view's eye elevation.
        minValue - the minimum elevation.
        maxValue - the maximum elevation.
      • getHeadingLimits

        Angle[] getHeadingLimits()
        Returns the minimum and maximum angles for a view's heading property.
        Minimum and maximum allowable angles for heading.
      • setHeadingLimits

        void setHeadingLimits​(Angle minAngle,
                              Angle maxAngle)
        Sets the minimum and maximum angles which will limit a view's heading property.
        minAngle - the minimum allowable angle for heading.
        maxAngle - the maximum allowable angle for heading.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either minAngle or maxAngle is null.
      • getPitchLimits

        Angle[] getPitchLimits()
        Returns the minimum and maximum angles for a view's pitch property.
        Minimum and maximum allowable angles for pitch.
      • setPitchLimits

        void setPitchLimits​(Angle minAngle,
                            Angle maxAngle)
        Sets the minimum and maximum angles which will limit a view's pitch property.
        minAngle - the minimum allowable angle for pitch.
        maxAngle - the maximum allowable angle for pitch.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either minAngle or maxAngle is null.
      • getRollLimits

        Angle[] getRollLimits()
        Returns the minimum and maximum angles for a view's roll property.
        Minimum and maximum allowable angles for roll.
      • setRollLimits

        void setRollLimits​(Angle minAngle,
                           Angle maxAngle)
        Sets the minimum and maximum angles which will limit a view's roll property.
        minAngle - the minimum allowable angle for roll.
        maxAngle - the maximum allowable angle for roll.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if either minAngle or maxAngle is null.
      • reset

        void reset()
        Resets all property limits to their default values.
      • limitEyePosition

        Position limitEyePosition​(View view,
                                  Position position)
        Returns a position clamped to the eye location limits and the eye elevation limits specified by this limit object. This method does not modify the specified view's properties, but may use the view as a context for determining how to apply the limits.
        view - the view associated with the center position and the property limits.
        position - position to clamp to the allowed range.
        The clamped position.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is null.
      • limitHeading

        Angle limitHeading​(View view,
                           Angle angle)
        Returns an angle clamped to the heading limits specified by this limit object. This method does not modify the specified view's properties, but may use the view as a context for determining how to apply the limits.
        view - the view associated with the heading angle and the property limits.
        angle - angle to clamp to the allowed range.
        The clamped angle.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is null.
      • limitPitch

        Angle limitPitch​(View view,
                         Angle angle)
        Returns an angle clamped to the pitch limits specified by this limit object. This method does not modify the specified view's properties, but may use the view as a context for determining how to apply the limits.
        view - the view associated with the pitch angle and the property limits.
        angle - angle to clamp to the allowed range.
        The clamped angle.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is null.
      • limitRoll

        Angle limitRoll​(View view,
                        Angle angle)
        Returns an angle clamped to the roll limits specified by this limit object. This method does not modify the specified view's properties, but may use the view as a context for determining how to apply the limits.
        view - the view associated with the roll angle and the property limits.
        angle - angle to clamp to the allowed range.
        The clamped angle.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is null.