Class KMLContainerTreeNode

    • Constructor Detail

      • KMLContainerTreeNode

        public KMLContainerTreeNode​(KMLAbstractContainer container)
        Creates a new KMLContainerTreeNode from the specified container. The node's name is set to the feature's name, and the node's hierarchy is populated from the container's KML features.
        container - the KML container this node represents.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the container is null.
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        protected void initialize()
        Places the KML feature in the node's AVKey.CONTEXT field.
        initialize in class KMLFeatureTreeNode
      • refresh

        protected void refresh()
        Populate this node's hierarchy from the KML features in its KMLAbstractContainer.
      • addFeatureNode

        protected void addFeatureNode​(KMLAbstractFeature feature)
        Adds the a new KMLFeatureTreeNode created with the specified feature to this node.
        feature - the KML feature to add.