Interface TextDecoder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BasicTextDecoder, KMLBalloonTextDecoder

    public interface TextDecoder
    A general purpose text decoder. A text decoder takes an input string and produces a decoded output string.
    • Method Detail

      • setText

        void setText​(java.lang.String input)
        Set the input text which the decoder will process.
        input - Text to decode.
      • getDecodedText

        java.lang.String getDecodedText()
        Get the decoded text. This method may be called many times. Implementations should cache decoding results that do not need to be recomputed.
        Text after decoding.
      • getLastUpdateTime

        long getLastUpdateTime()
        Get the time at which the decoded text last changed. The text can change because new source text is set, or because an external resource required for decoding has been resolved.

        The update time does not change until getDecodedText() is called. An application should call getDecodedText(), and then call this method to compare the timestamp with some previous timestamp to determine if the decoded text has changed since getDecodedText() was last called.

        The time (as returned by System.currentTimeMillis()) at which the decoded text last changed. Returns zero if called before the text is decoded.