Class FireSupportTextBuilder

  • public class FireSupportTextBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility class to construct text for the graphics of Fire Support Area graphics. Many of these graphics come in three versions (quad, circle, and polygon), but share the same text. This class encodes the logic to construct the appropriate label text depending on the type of graphic.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FireSupportTextBuilder

        public FireSupportTextBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • createText

        public java.lang.String[] createText​(TacticalGraphic graphic)
        Construct the text for labels in a Fire Support area graphic. All area graphics support main label placed inside the area. Some also support a time range label placed at the left side of the graphic. This method returns text for all applicable labels as a list. The first element of the list is the main label text. The second element (if present) is the time range label text.
        graphic - Graphic for which to create text.
        Array of text for labels. This array will always include at least one string: the main label text. It may include a second element. The second element (if present) is text for a label that must be placed at the left side of the area.
      • isShowSeparateTimeLabel

        protected boolean isShowSeparateTimeLabel​(java.lang.String maskedSidc)
      • isShowAltitude

        protected boolean isShowAltitude​(java.lang.String maskedSidc)
      • isAirspaceCoordinationArea

        protected boolean isAirspaceCoordinationArea​(java.lang.String functionId)
      • createMainText

        protected java.lang.String createMainText​(TacticalGraphic graphic,
                                                  java.lang.String functionId,
                                                  boolean includeTime,
                                                  boolean includeAltitude)
      • createTimeRangeText

        protected java.lang.String createTimeRangeText​(TacticalGraphic graphic)
      • getGraphicLabel

        protected java.lang.String getGraphicLabel​(java.lang.String sidc)
      • createAirspaceCoordinationText

        protected java.lang.String createAirspaceCoordinationText​(TacticalGraphic graphic)