Interface BulkRetrievable

    • Method Detail

      • makeLocal

        BulkRetrievalThread makeLocal​(Sector sector,
                                      double resolution,
                                      BulkRetrievalListener listener)
        Initiates data retrieval to the current WorldWind data cache. The method starts a new thread to perform the retrieval. The thread terminates when either all the requested data has been retrieved or when any data not retrieved is determined to be unretrievable.
        sector - the sector for which to retrieve the data.
        resolution - the resolution desired. All data within the specified sector up to and including this resolution is downloaded.
        listener - an optional bulk-download listener that can be used to monitor the success or failure of individual retrievals. Note: The listener is called on the thread performing the download, which is not the event dispatch thread. Therefore any interaction with AWT or Swing within the call must be done within a call to SwingUtilities.invokeLater().
        returns the running thread created to perform the retrieval.
      • getEstimatedMissingDataSize

        long getEstimatedMissingDataSize​(Sector sector,
                                         double resolution)
        Estimates the amount of data, in bytes, that must be retrieved to the WorldWind data cache for a specified sector and resolution.
        sector - the sector for which to retrieve the data.
        resolution - the resolution desired. All data within the specified sector up to and including this resolution is downloaded.
        the estimated data size, in bytes.
      • getEstimatedMissingDataSize

        long getEstimatedMissingDataSize​(Sector sector,
                                         double resolution,
                                         FileStore fileStore)
        Estimates the amount of data, in bytes, that must be retrieved to a specified filestore for a specified sector and resolution.
        sector - the sector for which to retrieve the data.
        resolution - the resolution desired. All data within the specified sector up to and including this resolution is downloaded.
        fileStore - the location to place the data. If null, the current WorldWind cache is used.
        the estimated data size, in bytes.
      • makeLocal

        BulkRetrievalThread makeLocal​(Sector sector,
                                      double resolution,
                                      FileStore fileStore,
                                      BulkRetrievalListener listener)
        Initiates data retrieval to a specified filestore. The method starts a new thread to perform the retrieval. The thread terminates when either all the requested data has been retrieved or when any data not retrieved is determined to be unretrievable.
        sector - the sector for which to retrieve the data.
        resolution - the resolution desired. All data within the specified sector up to and including this resolution is downloaded.
        listener - an optional bulk-download listener that can be used to monitor the success or failure of individual retrievals. Note: The listener is called on the thread performing the download, which is not the event dispatch thread. Therefore any interaction with AWT or Swing within the call must be done within a call to SwingUtilities.invokeLater().
        fileStore - the location to place the data. If null, the current WorldWind cache is used.
        returns the running thread created to perform the retrieval.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()