Interface Path.PositionColors

    • Method Detail

      • getColor

        java.awt.Color getColor​(Position position,
                                int ordinal)
        Returns an RGBA color corresponding to the specified position and ordinal. This returns null if a color cannot be determined for the specified position and ordinal. The specified position is guaranteed to be one of the same Position references passed to a path at construction or in a call to Path.setPositions(Iterable).

        The specified ordinal denotes the position's ordinal number as it appears in the position list passed to the path. Ordinal numbers start with 0 and increase by 1 for every originally specified position. For example, the first three path positions have ordinal values 0, 1, 2.

        The returned color's RGB components must not be premultiplied by its Alpha component.

        position - the path position the color corresponds to.
        ordinal - the ordinal number of the specified position.
        an RGBA color corresponding to the position and ordinal, or null if a color cannot be determined.