Navigator Events
The crosshairs and overlays react to the user input.
The NavigatorEventFragment class extends the BasicGlobeFragment and overrides the onCreateView method. Here we create some screen overlays and implement a NavigatorListener to respond to NavigatorEvents.
public class NavigatorEventFragment extends BasicGlobeFragment {
// UI elements
protected TextView latView;
protected TextView lonView;
protected TextView altView;
protected ImageView crosshairs;
protected ViewGroup overlay;
// Use pre-allocated navigator state objects to avoid per-event memory allocations
private LookAt lookAt = new LookAt();
private Camera camera = new Camera();
// Track the navigation event time so the overlay refresh rate can be throttled
private long lastEventTime;
// Animation object used to fade the overlays
private AnimatorSet animatorSet;
private boolean crosshairsActive;
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Let the super class (BasicGlobeFragment) create the view and the WorldWindow
View rootView = super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);
// Initialize the UI elements that we'll update upon the navigation events
this.crosshairs = (ImageView) rootView.findViewById(;
this.overlay = (ViewGroup) rootView.findViewById(;
this.latView = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;
this.lonView = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;
this.altView = (TextView) rootView.findViewById(;
ObjectAnimator fadeOut = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this.crosshairs, "alpha", 0f).setDuration(1500);
fadeOut.setStartDelay((long) 500);
this.animatorSet = new AnimatorSet();;
// Create a simple Navigator Listener that logs navigator events emitted by the WorldWindow.
NavigatorListener listener = new NavigatorListener() {
public void onNavigatorEvent(WorldWindow wwd, NavigatorEvent event) {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long elapsedTime = currentTime - lastEventTime;
int eventAction = event.getAction();
boolean receivedUserInput = (eventAction == WorldWind.NAVIGATOR_MOVED && event.getLastInputEvent() != null);
// Update the status overlay views whenever the navigator stops moving,
// and also it is moving but at an (arbitrary) maximum refresh rate of 20 Hz.
if (eventAction == WorldWind.NAVIGATOR_STOPPED || elapsedTime > 50) {
// Get the current navigator state to apply to the overlays
event.getNavigator().getAsLookAt(wwd.getGlobe(), lookAt);
event.getNavigator().getAsCamera(wwd.getGlobe(), camera);
// Update the overlays
updateOverlayContents(lookAt, camera);
lastEventTime = currentTime;
// Show the crosshairs while the user is gesturing and fade them out after the user stops
if (receivedUserInput) {
} else {
// Register the Navigator Listener with the activity's WorldWindow.
return rootView;
* Makes the crosshairs visible.
protected void showCrosshairs() {
if (this.animatorSet.isStarted()) {
this.crosshairsActive = true;
* Fades the crosshairs using animation.
protected void fadeCrosshairs() {
if (this.crosshairsActive) {
this.crosshairsActive = false;
if (!this.animatorSet.isStarted()) {
* Displays navigator state information in the status overlay views.
* @param lookAt Where the navigator is looking
* @param camera Where the camera is positioned
protected void updateOverlayContents(LookAt lookAt, Camera camera) {
* Brightens the colors of the overlay views when when user input occurs.
* @param eventAction The action associated with this navigator event
protected void updateOverlayColor(@WorldWind.NavigatorAction int eventAction) {
int color = (eventAction == WorldWind.NAVIGATOR_STOPPED) ? 0xA0FFFF00 /*semi-transparent yellow*/ : Color.YELLOW;
protected String formatLatitude(double latitude) {
int sign = (int) Math.signum(latitude);
return String.format("%6.3f°%s", (latitude * sign), (sign >= 0.0 ? "N" : "S"));
protected String formatLongitude(double longitude) {
int sign = (int) Math.signum(longitude);
return String.format("%7.3f°%s", (longitude * sign), (sign >= 0.0 ? "E" : "W"));
protected String formatAltitude(double altitude) {
return String.format("Eye: %,.0f %s",
(altitude < 100000 ? altitude : altitude / 1000),
(altitude < 100000 ? "m" : "km"));