The GeoPackageFragment class extends BasicGlobeFragment and overrides the createWorldWindow method. Here we use WorldWind’s LayerFactory to display the contents of a local OGC GeoPackage database. LayerFactory asynchronously reads the GeoPackage contents to configure a WorldWind layer, then notifies the application when it’s done.
package gov.nasa.worldwindx;
public class GeoPackageFragment extends BasicGlobeFragment {
* Creates a new WorldWindow (GLSurfaceView) object with a GeoPackage Layer
* @return The WorldWindow object containing the globe.
public WorldWindow createWorldWindow() {
// Let the super class (BasicGlobeFragment) do the creation
WorldWindow wwd = super.createWorldWindow();
// Unpack the tutorial GeoPackage asset to the Android application cache. GeoPackage relies on the Android
// SQLite library which operates only on files in the local Android filesystem.
File geoPackageFile = TutorialUtil.unpackAsset(this.getContext(), "geopackage_tutorial.gpkg");
// Create a layer factory, WorldWind's general component for creating layers
// from complex data sources.
LayerFactory layerFactory = new LayerFactory();
// Create an OGC GeoPackage layer to display a high resolution monochromatic image of Naval Air Station Oceana
// in Virginia Beach, VA.
geoPackageFile.getPath(), // file path on the local Android filesystem
new LayerFactory.Callback() {
public void creationSucceeded(LayerFactory factory, Layer layer) {
// Add the finished GeoPackage layer to the WorldWindow.
// Place the viewer directly over the GeoPackage image.
Log.i("gov.nasa.worldwind", "GeoPackage layer creation succeeded");
public void creationFailed(LayerFactory factory, Layer layer, Throwable ex) {
// Something went wrong reading the GeoPackage.
Log.e("gov.nasa.worldwind", "GeoPackage layer creation failed", ex);
return wwd;